Sowing the SeeDs : Part 2 a fanfic by Greenbeans additions by Nightbreak based on the world of Final Fantasy 8 created by Square Electronic Arts L.L.C. Life settled down to its normal, hectic pace. They were all so busy with their studies that the summer slipped into fall and winter was upon them before they knew it. Quistis had two more minor adjustments made to her schedule before the Headmaster was satisfied with her class placement. Finally learning the ropes of Garden life, she was making great strides towards completing her pre-requisite courses. Some of her more difficult lessons were soon in coming. "Magic?" Quistis squeaked with surprise. "Yes, magic," Xu continued fiddling with the pouch on her belt. "Aren't I too young to be learning it?" "Now you're going to let your age dictate what you can learn?" Xu asked in turn. "You turned eleven not long ago and have enough sense in your head to act responsibly." "It is okay for you to be teaching it to me? Instead of a Faculty member, I mean," she flustered. She was startled that Xu wanted to start teaching her magic. It was one of those things that she saw as a cadet level skill, not something a junior classman would be permitted to participate in. "No harm can come from you knowing how to use a low-level Cure spell. It'll help keep Sean out of trouble when he does something mischievous. But if it makes you feel any better, I did clear it with the Headmaster. He agrees with my assessment that you're ready to start learning some simple spells." Quistis stood there with a dumbfounded look on her face. She tried to take things in stride, but this was completely unexpected! Xu opened the door to the hallway and arched an eyebrow. "Are you coming?" "Of course!" Quistis rushed past her. Once she accepted the offer of learning magic, she wasn't going to let Xu go back on it. Xu closed the door after checking to make sure that she had everything she needed. She refrained from mentioning to her roommate that this was entirely the Headmaster's idea. Xu did agree that Quistis was ready to learn some simple spells such a Cure and Scan. She wouldn't feel comfortable teaching Quistis any offensive magic until the girl had a solid grasp of the ones that couldn't kill her if she made a mistake. Two different techniques for performing magic were taught at the Garden. The simpler one was the method Xu intended to teach Quistis today. 'Bead magic' was performed by using small beads that were a physical storage of the spell itself. The advantage to this form of magic was that *anyone* could perform it as long as they had a bead. The disadvantage was that beads resulted in much weaker casts and junctioned poorly when used along with a Guardian Force. The other technique taught was called 'energy quanta'. It required a very controlled use of internal energies since the spells were stored within the physical self. Spells that were stored in energy form were stronger and junction beautifully. The downside was the rather steep learning curve involved with mastering control. Each of the three Gardens took a different approach towards magic. Trabia believed in producing strong magic users, thus requiring all of its students to master energy quanta. Galbadia with its many officer trainees mixed in with SeeD cadets went the simpler route of teaching beads. Galbadia tended to take a more physical approach towards conflict resolution as it was. Magic was too 'unreliable' for them (meaning they didn't fully understand its usage). Balamb went for the middle ground by teaching both techniques to its students. On top of that, every SeeD cadet was required to master the use of Guardian Forces. Guardian Forces not only lent their incredible energy to a battle when summoned, they also allowed their human partner to junction spells through them. For example, using a Guardian Force as a 'bridge', a supply of Fire spells could be used to align one's weapon to be a fire elemental -- which would make it more effective against monsters that were elementally aligned towards ice. It was a skill that first required a healthy stockpile of spells. To gather the spells needed a person had to either find a draw point -- which is much like a natural spring -- or draw them from a monster during battle. She had spent much of yesterday wandering around the Alcauld Plains drawing spells from the monsters for today's lesson. The belt pouch she used for storing spells was bulging from all that she had gathered. She carried a second pouch with her that she would give to Quistis once they were in the Quad. The Quad was a nice open place for practicing non-offensive magic. They couldn't do any damage to people or property plus they didn't run the risk of being attacked if they went off campus or to the Training Center. "Here, hook this pouch onto your belt," Xu instructed as she took out a couple of tiny beads. "This bead is a Scan spell," she pointed to a shiny blue bead that was in the palm of her hand. "The one next to it is Cure," it was a dull white, almost like a pearl. "There's more involved with casting magic than having the beads to do it. It also requires a certain mindset and natural inclination for the magical arts. It's a skill you should practice just like physical training. The more you cast, the better you'll become at it. How powerful the spell is depends heavily upon the ability of the caster. If the caster is weak, it won't be as powerful of a spell as if someone who has a knack for magic had cast it. Make sense?" Xu waited for Quistis to digest the information before continuing. "Almost all magic falls into one of three categories: attack, restore, and indirect. Examples of attack spells are Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder. We won't be practicing those anytime soon. Restore spells are things like Cure and the ever-useful Esuna, which counteracts most indirect spells. Indirect spells effect your status. They can do things like cause you to float, blind you, or silence you so that you can't cast any spells yourself. From that group, I'll show you how to use Scan. It's a spell that allows you to know the strengths and weaknesses of the monster or person you cast it on." "That's an awful lot to remember," Quistis said, suddenly wishing that she'd brought a notebook with her. "It gets a lot more complicated. Don't worry, I won't bog you down with details that you don't need to know yet. It's a subject with a rich history. You might want to check out a book from the Library about it," Xu teased, knowing that Quistis had already done that without prior knowledge of what the Headmaster planned. "The pouch I gave you has 25 Scans and 25 Cures in it. Since magic is dependent upon beads and beads take up space, you're limited in how many you can carry. That's not a concern in most cases, but I wouldn't recommend having more then 100 beads of any given spell." Xu put the Scan bead in her hand back into the pouch. "Like so much that we do here, magic is a practice of focus," she fisted her right hand and brought it against her side. "Performing a sequence of movements helps to focus mental concentration," her left arm came up in a guarded position across her body. "Lock your mind onto what you want the spell to accomplish. Follow its progress as you go through the movements and-" She punched her right fist forward with the left guiding it. "CURE!" Quistis felt the tingle of the spell as it healed any wounds she might have had. It was a gentle spell in both its sensation and effect. She could tell that Xu had 'pulled her punch' to make the spell not have a significant effect. Xu pulled back from her final position. "Verbal announcement of the spell you're casting is a key to its success. It's kind of like a final focusing point." "How do I do that? Do I motion just like you did?" Xu's movements weren't that complicated, she could duplicate them if that was the key. "What form your focusing technique takes is entirely up to you, just so long as it really does help you focus. A lot of people make them overly complicated, which does more to distract from the spell than add to it." Quistis nodded her understanding and drew a Cure spell from her pouch. She rolled the tiny bead around between her fingers. It didn't feel any more important than a stone she might have picked up off the ground. It emitted no special energy and seemed quite ordinary. "Focus in your mind. Focus on healing a wound. Picture it mending up and the person being refreshed," Xu coached. She closed her eyes and tried to picture those things. She could feel the bead stirring in her hand and she tried to coax the power from it. Her mind followed her motions and she put everything she had behind accomplishing her goal. "Cure!" The results were disappointing. The power of the spell wouldn't have healed a paper cut. "Excellent!" Xu clasped her on the shoulder. "You're going to be good at this, I can tell all ready." "How can you say that?" Quistis lamented. "That was pathetically weak." Xu snorted in a very unlady-like manner. "When I first learned magic it took a full pouch of Cure spells before I had *any* results." "You're kidding!" She refused to believe that Xu had that much trouble learning something. Xu shrugged in dismissal of the point. "You at least have the idea of how to focus your mind on the magic. I noticed that your movements were jerky as you focused. Let's work on smoothing those out. I'm sure that will go a long ways towards increasing the power of your spells." In a few hours time they had exhausted Quistis' supply of Cure and Scan spells and had made a significant dent in Xu's bag. Quistis was feeling more confident in her ability to cast. Xu assured her that it was impossible to become a strong caster in a day, reiterating that it was a skill one built up over time like physical strength. They called it a day once the sun was set and the lights in the Quad came to life. Xu sent Quistis ahead to the Cafeteria for dinner while she returned to their room to store the spells away. "Why can't we bring them with us?" Quistis asked when Xu stated why she'd catch up with the younger girl at the Cafeteria. "Spells are dangerous things -- especially attack magic. Cadets are allowed to keep spells since they are a part of SeeD training, but there are strict regulations regarding where they are and aren't allowed to be. Just like no weapons are allowed in the classrooms, no spells are allowed either. The Cafeteria is another area where weapons and spells aren't welcome," Xu shooed her off to go claim them a table before it got crowded. Quistis didn't have to since Sean was already there eating. "What were you up to today, sprout?" He asked. "Xu taught me some magic," Quistis announced proudly. She sat on a chair and waited for her roommate to arrive before joining the dinner line. "Is that so?" In fact, he'd seen them practicing in the Quad when he was passing through. He wasn't sure *what* Xu was thinking by making a public spectacle of Quistis learning magic. That would only rile up those who believed Quistis was getting special treatment. He knew that Xu was instructed by the Headmaster to begin Quistis' magic training, but she could have chosen a less obvious place to do it. Their room wouldn't have worked, but perhaps the Infirmary with Doctor Kadowaki's permission... Xu came into the Cafeteria and Quistis rushed into line with her to get dinner. Sean put his elbow on the table and leaned his chin onto the palm of his hand heavily. No good could come of this. Never mind that the Quad was the training ground the Faculty used when they taught new students magic. Xu had thrown down the gantlet regarding a matter that had *finally* simmered down after Lee was transferred. He wondered if the Headmaster ordered her to make this public display? Xu could be very in your face at times, but he couldn't quite believe that she'd make this bold of a statement without some outside prompting. "Rude beast, get your elbow off the table," Xu knocked it out from under him after she set her tray down. He caught himself before his head bobbed too far. "Ah... Sorry," he corrected his posture and resumed eating. "Um, Xu, could we go for a walk? After dinner, you know?" Why was he suddenly so nervous? They'd gone out together several times for walks around the Garden to discuss things. "Yes." He waited for her to add some scathing remark to her answer. When none came he asked, "Yes?" She blinked and gave him a funny look. "Yes, we can go for a walk after dinner if you want." "You're not going to say anything else?" "I can tell that you have something on your mind," she took a bite of her dinner. "Y- you can?" Now he was feeling confused. "Yes, I can. There's still food on your plate," she pointed to his tray with her fork. He grinned. "That's the Xu I know." Quistis was glad to hear that her two mentors were getting along nicely. She knew that they went out together sometimes, but had no idea what they did. She liked them both and thought it was the perfect arrangement for them to be together. After dinner, Sean and Xu walked to the courtyard beyond the guarded inner gate of the Garden. They sat on a bench by one of the many fountains before either of them spoke. "What's on your mind?" Curiosity colored Xu's tone. Sean leaned back lazily, placing an arm across the back of the bench (and coincidentally behind her). He closed his eyes and sighed softly. "That's what I wanted to ask you," he said in a low voice. "What's up with making sure everyone saw Quistis learning magic today? We don't need any more problems." Xu leaned forward, her knees pressed together and her hands tightly clasped on her lap. "I know what you're thinking, it's what I thought when the Headmaster told me to train her in the Quad. We can't -- we *shouldn't* -- hold her back because of their jealousy!" Xu's knuckles were white with barely contained anger. "You think I don't hear the murmurs, the slurs and the senseless rantings? Let every last one of them come and try to undermine her! She's better -- ten times better -- than they are. We'll come out on top in the end!" Sean felt a pang sorrow. Xu rarely became so frustrated, so distressed, with the world around her. She wanted nothing more than to lift Quistis higher up, beyond the reach of such petty human emotions -- Xu believed in the girl *that* much. He wanted to yell at her that Quistis could fend for herself. Xu had her own life to look after. Quistis had the Headmaster on her side; thus it wasn't Xu's responsibility to 'baby-sit' her. But he couldn't. He wouldn't believe such things if they were pointed out to him. For as firmly as his feet were grounded in reality, he knew what it meant to believe in someone that much. He believed in Xu with such fervor. Slowly, he brought his arm from the back of the bench and reached over to take her clinched hands in his own. Startled, she looked up at him. He held their hands up between them before speaking. "We'll make things work out together. I promise, my dear Xu." "Sean?" He smiled impishly; the shadows cast by the outside lights caused it to look more menacing than it was intended. "They can't defeat all three of us. We'll pull through this together." She returned his smile. "Thank you," she leaned back, relaxed now that her concerns were eased. "Any thoughts on what sort of fall-out this little stunt will reap?" "Nasty looks? Notes? Mean spirited things scrawled on the bathroom stall doors?" She shook her head. "No idea. We'll just have to keep our eyes open and make sure Quistis tells us if anything happens." "That's all we can do," Sean replied. A Faculty member came through the courtyard and warned them that lights out was in 15 minutes. The two students took the hint and began walking back to the Dormitory block. Sean was perhaps more of a gentleman than necessary when he opened all the doors for her and kept closer than social etiquette dictated as they walked. Xu didn't push him away and he didn't much care what others thought if they saw them. He wanted to make sure Xu understood that he was behind her completely and would do all he could to assist her and Quistis. "Thank you again, Sean," Xu squeezed his hand before going into her room. He stood in the hallway and sighed to himself. "You'll make an honest man of me yet." Back in the room Xu shared with Quistis the junior classman was still exuberant regarding today's magic training. She finished reading the books about magic that she'd checked out a few days ago and was anxious to pick up more tomorrow. One of the books mentioned a term that she didn't understand. Now that Xu was back, she could get answers. "What's a Guardian Force? One of the books I read mentioned it, but didn't go into details," Quistis sat on her chair and tried to not kick it back and forth. If she was going to be mature, she shouldn't be doing such things. "Well, let me show you," Xu pulled something out of a pouch on her utility belt. She placed a small, smooth stone in Quistis' hands. It was a striking icy-blue color and cold to the touch. "This is Shiva," she introduced. "Or, more precisely, a piece of Shiva's spirit. Guardian Forces are powerful creatures who allow humans to call them if they have their stone. When the time comes, you'll enter the Fire Cavern east of here to battle Ifrit. If you defeat him, Ifrit will award you a piece of his spirit, which will allow you to call him during battle. "Guardian Forces -- GFs for short -- cast their magic when summoned. For example, if you don't have any Blizzard spells, you could summon Shiva and have her cast a powerful ice spell for you." Quistis peered intently at the stone in her hand. A person could cast a powerful spell with just this? Was it like a super bead? Did it disappear after being used like beads did? Xu chuckled at all the questions as she voiced them. "GFs are unique. They won't disappear after a single use unless they are killed." Quistis' eyebrows crept up in surprise. "You heard right, they can die if they take too much damage. That's a living spirit-fragment you have in your hands. GFs have personalities, feelings, and become closely bound to their humans. If you don't use them for long periods of time, they can become stubborn and take longer to come when you do summon them. They're also very jealous of each other. Summoning one GF more often than the others will make the others rebellious and slow in reacting to your call." The stone was beginning to warm up as she held it in her hand. She could almost feel the spirit enjoying the attention it was receiving. "You make them sound like pets," Quistis commented as she stroked the stone. It *was* reacting to her touch. "Some *do* regard GFs as pets. I was raised to see them as spirits to be revered, but that's neither here nor there. The bottom line is that Guardian Forces, like any other living thing, need attention and love. "I could go on for hours regarding the various aspects of Guardian Forces, but I think I've answered your question. Did you have any others?" "When do I begin training with them?" The stone was a cozy warmth in her hand. For being a spirit of ice it was quite friendly towards her. "You'll learn about them after becoming a cadet. Actually using them is taught during the last year of SeeD training," Xu took the stone back and stored it away in her pouch. "Don't worry, you'll get your own piece of Shiva soon enough. Knowing her, she'll remember you and expect to be petted again." The look of amusement on Xu's face made Quistis smile. ***** The consequences from Quistis' magic training began as early as breakfast the next morning. Sean was eating alone at a table when a group of his friends joined him. "Hey there, Sean, you lucky dog you," Eugene punched him on the arm after sitting down. "What are you talking about?" "I saw you and Xu talking in the courtyard last night," Jessie explained, smiling with joy for his friend. "Things are really getting hot between you two, huh?" "It's not official until it's posted on the message board," another of his friends, LeVar, said dryly without looking up from the book he was reading. The message board was meant for school related announcements, but was more often used for rumor-mongering and spam posts. "We're not going out," Sean protested, though he wished he could say that they were... "Oh? It's probably better that way, to be honest. Xu is Quistis' roommate and I wouldn't want to be Quistis for anything right now," Eugene began shoveling food into his mouth before Sean could get what he meant by that out of him. He turned to one of the others to fill him in. "What's wrong with Quistis?" "Xu was teaching her magic in the Quad yesterday. I heard that some of the newbie SeeD cadets are taking offense at a junior classman learning something they haven't been taught yet," Jessie frowned. "I can understand why they're mad, but she's only a kid." "They'd be stupid to try anything after the Headmaster busted Lee," Eugene snorted. "They would have to be caught first," LeVar pointed out, finally looking up from his book. LeVar was a close contender to besting Quistis for the bookworm award. Being richly intelligent himself, LeVar was probably the one who understood Quistis' gift the most. "You guys wouldn't do anything, would you?" He'd be in over his head if Xu scared off his contacts to the more restless crowd. She could battle them head-on if she wanted. Subversion was more his tactic. "Why do you think we're telling you this?" Eugene quickly finished eating then stood up. "Take care!" He patted Sean on the chest, slipping a small piece of paper into his shirt pocket. The other two left with Eugene. Sean didn't fish into his pocket for the paper until he went to the bathroom to wash his hands after breakfast. The paper was a short list of numbers. He puzzled over it for a minute. There was the right number of digits to be student ID numbers, but they were all over the spectrum on the number scale. If these were student numbers, some of them would have left the Garden years ago. Then he noticed that most of them *ended* with the same number. He reversed the digit order in his mind and immediately started putting numbers to faces. It was a list of people to watch out for. "Thanks guys," he whispered before slipping the paper back into his pocket. The next few days were spent going down the list to have heart-to-heart talks with each of the students on it. To convince some of them, it meant encouraging them to do better on their own studies and not to worry about a girl. For others, it involved promising the wrath of Xu should anything unfavorable happen to Quistis. The truly stubborn ones needed to be reminded of the lesson the Headmaster taught with Lee. Most of it wasn't pretty. There *was* a lot of anger and resentment going around. He didn't report to the Headmaster or Xu what he was finding. Things would only get worse if either of them stuck their nose into this morale problem. Keeping Quistis' extraordinary abilities out of sight for a while would calm most of them down, but Xu was right -- why should they hold Quistis back because of petty jealousy? What they really needed was something to rally behind. Perhaps a little spinning to make Quistis into a poster child for the Garden? Now *that* wasn't a half-bad idea! He invited the same group of guys who had originally tipped him off to his room for a meeting. He was going to need their help if he wanted to start a trend. "You're joking, right?" Eugene grimaced. "Sean, things will get *worse* if you start polarizing the student body." Sean nodded to acknowledge the possibility of that happening. "On the other hand, we could unite the student body if it works. Things can't continue as they're going. What kind of example will this set for the classes *after* Quistis if they see that she's ostracized for excelling?" "I hadn't thought of that," Eugene murmured, leaning back in his chair. "What do you guys think?" He addressed LeVar and Jessie for the first time during their conversation. "We need a catch phrase or a motto or something," Jessie scowled as he tried to think of one. "A name would be a nice start," LeVar was looking rather bored with this entire discussion. Sean knew that, more than the other two, LeVar had the most riding on Quistis -- if for no other reason then as a sign of acceptance for bookworms Garden-wide. "'Defenders of Quistis'?" Jessie suggested. "Don't be stupid. That would *definitely* polarize the student body!" Eugene snapped. Sean rubbed his chin. "How about... 'Trepies'?" "Trepies?" That name didn't bounce off of Eugene well either. "Clever play of the words 'groupies' and 'Trepe'," LeVar commented. "And it sounds cute!" Jessie's eyes lit up already sold on the idea. "So what are we Trepies going to do? Go around the defend Quistis whenever someone criticizes her?" Eugene was skeptical of the idea as a whole, but was at least willing to be persuaded. "Hardly," LeVar said firmly. "We will *celebrate* the gifts of this youth and the brilliance of the Garden at being able to develop them to their fullest potential." "There you go!" Sean clapped his hands together at their cleverness. "We shouldn't be bold in our approach, but infectious; like a disease. We'll sneak her into their hearts and cause the student body to love her." "You've finally fallen off the deep end, my friend," Eugene patted Sean on the shoulder. "Come along, boys, we've got work to do." He stood up and led the other two cadets out of Sean's room. The idea might be a half-cracked one, but if it worked... Shifting the outlook of a student body was hard work, but Sean was up to the task. He *begged* Xu not to throw Quistis into anyone's face for a few months. He needed that time to get people acclimated to the idea that Quistis was what they were striving for. If a child could do it, they could too. Xu swore that he was off his rocker, but agreed to do things his way for the time being. She spent more time with Quistis, tutoring her in private, while he spent his spare time promoting their cause. He never did speak with the Headmaster about what he was doing, nor did he know if Xu had. He did request that they keep Quistis ignorant regarding this matter. The girl was insecure as it was, knowing that they were out there trying to stop people from hating her for doing what she was supposed to wouldn't do anything for her self-esteem. And it might encourage her to take matters into her own hands by holding herself back. Social acceptance was a natural thing to crave, but it could also be like a ball and chain at times. Quistis did notice that Sean wasn't spending as much time with them as he used to. She asked Xu why he wasn't coming around much anymore. Did they get into a fight? Xu assured the girl that they hadn't fought more than they usually did. He was simply busy with his current class load. And didn't she get to see him twice a day because of her classes? That was more than Xu got to see him. The girl's heart was set at ease by the last point, though she was sad that Xu didn't get to see Sean as much as she did. Xu said that it was all right, school had to take priority. Sean would come around again once he had the time to. ***** "So, any plans for the winter break?" Sean was sitting next to Xu on a bench in the outer courtyard. They'd mutually agreed on this spot as their place to unwind and talk about whatever was on their minds. Usually it was Quistis or their progress in SeeD training. Sometimes they talked about their dreams for the future, or the pasts they'd given up to go chasing those dreams. "I'm going to stay here," her breath was visible on this chilly winter evening as it hung between them. "Because of Quistis?" He hazarded a guess. Xu hadn't spent her breaks at the Garden before and there really wasn't any reason for her to besides that one. She nodded. "You know that she's an orphan, right? She doesn't have any place to go during the break, so I figured that I would stay here and keep her company." "Alright then, I'll stay here as well," he grinned at her. "Silly man, you should go visit your family. I remember you telling me that your sister had a baby not long ago. You should go see your niece before you become a SeeD. You might not have the opportunity for a while afterwards," she chided. The offer to stay here and keep them company was very sweet of him. Because they might not have the opportunity to go home for years most people vacated the Garden during the breaks. "I've been neglecting the two ladies in my life. I must spend my break with you both to make up for it," he effected a charming air about him. Xu smiled softly, feeling for the first time in a long while that all was right with the world. Sean had gone the distance to calm the waters when she would have mixed things up. They took two different approaches on life and somehow ended up meeting in the middle. She wasn't sure where the line between friendship and relationship was drawn, but didn't think they'd crossed it yet. 'Yet' being the operative word since she wasn't sure where the growth of understanding between them would stop. A part of her truly enjoyed their friendship as it was. Another part of her longed for it to be more. Then the dutiful part of her would come stomping in and squish the longing and remind her that she had other matters to attend to. She considered the confusion that she felt as a given and hoped that it would pass quickly. When Xu spoke with Quistis later that evening, she was thrilled to learn that they were going to stay during the winter break. She'd assumed that they would return to their hometowns. "What did we say about the Garden being our home?" Xu teased her gently. "I've heard that Balamb has a Winter Festival. I've often wondered what it was. I'm sure we'll get the chance to check it out." They did that among many other activities. The Garden was nearly emptied of its student body, leaving most of the facilities free of crowds when they wanted to use them. They did maintain a work out schedule filled with more games than things like weight training. Quistis would sometimes go to the Library while Xu and Sean took long walks together. She didn't mind giving them time to themselves and was pleased to see them getting along so well. Quistis took a great deal of joy in being the first one out to the Quad in the mornings to look at (and then play in) the new snow fall. Xu and Sean usually weren't long in joining her. Snowball fights often erupted between the three of them. They would wage their battles uninterrupted until one morning when an unexpected visitor was hit in the crossfire. "Headmaster!" Quistis scurried out from behind the tree she was hiding behind. Sean and Xu came from their positions to stand before the Headmaster. "Hmph, yes, indeed," he brushed the snow off of his winter coat. "It's been quite a while since a student has managed to get me with a snowball, and that's not for lack of trying, mind you." He waggled a finger at Quistis with a smile tugging at the stern expression on his face. He carefully looked over the small force. Judging by where the three of them came out from, it was two on one against Quistis. "It would seem to me that Miss Trepe has been woefully outnumbered by the upper classmen," he paced around them. "And so I have no choice but to join Miss Trepe's forces in hopes of turning the tide of the battle." "Headmaster?" Quistis couldn't believe her ears. He shoo-ed her to get back behind the tree. He then took cover near her while the two cadets hurried back to their previous positions. "If we work together, we can pick off one and then the other." Quistis nodded her understanding. She quickly made a pile of snowballs so that she wouldn't have to stop and 'reload' mid-battle. The Headmaster was likewise building a small pile of snowballs. "Let's attack the more aggressive unit first since they pose the most immediate threat," Cid motioned towards Xu. Cid positioned himself carefully so that he wasn't in Sean's direct line of fire while still being able to throw at Xu. He counted down the attack. At one, both of them stood up and began pelting Xu with a barrage of snowballs. She was forced to retreat behind a bench or come out covered in snow. The Headmaster then rushed to another position. They focused their attack on taking Sean out. He kept near a tree for cover. It would have been a draw if they hadn't finally caught him in a crossfire from either side, forcing him to yield. Cid came out and brushed off what snow clung to him. "There's a lesson in teamwork to be learned from this. How else could two SeeD cadets be defeated soundly by a crabby old man and a junior classman?" He gave them all an appraising look before walking off, acting as though he hadn't just engaged in a childish snow fight. Word of the snow wars in the Quad quickly spread and the Headmaster was prompt to organize those students who showed up into teams for more effective battling. Most of the students were willing to overlook the fact that they were actually learning something because they were enjoying themselves so much. Many of them also came to know Quistis better, and thus realized that while she may be book smart she was still very much a child. That, Sean was glad to discover, did more for boosting her reputation than the Trepies had managed thus far. When the rest of the student body began returning, those who had stayed at Balamb Garden were able to match them story for story. It was a rare thing to have such adventures when few people were around. Some students were already planning on sticking around next break if this was what they were missing out on. ***** Spring came early to the Alcauld Plains. Quistis found herself missing the snow, but not too much. She was more fascinated with how the numerous gardens of Balamb were blooming from their seasonal rest. The many bright flowers were a delight to her eyes and treat for her nose. Sean's idea of enjoying the outdoors was to spend his free days in Balamb fishing off of the dock with his friends. Xu and she would sometimes walk to town with him and then part ways as they went to explore the coastal town's shops. It did come as a surprise when Sean invited Quistis to go fishing with him during the next free day. Xu was scheduled to be gone for a few days on a training mission, so it would be just the two of them. Quistis was unsure how much she'd enjoy fishing. It didn't seem to be a very *active* sport, just sitting there for several hours while waiting for something to happen. Sean coaxed her into coming by pointing out that she could bring a book with her to read if she was bored. "We've got to get you outdoors more. You're pasty white as it is!" He teased. He came by her room early in the morning, bringing with him two breakfasts he'd ordered the previous night. They left the Garden as soon as the guard would let them off the grounds. The monsters didn't so much as sniff at them as they walked to Balamb. 'Guess they're not early risers,' Quistis thought to herself with a yawn punctuating her own opinion of being up so early. Sean had a fisherman friend who lent him a pole whenever he came around to spend a day on the dock. They caught up with the man as he was preparing to go out fishing himself. He gave Sean his usual pole and found a shorter one for Quistis that his grandchildren used whenever they visited him. Out on the dock Sean got her set up and helped her cast her line before doing so himself. It was as boring as Quistis thought it would be. She kicked her feet off the edge of the dock as she watched her reflection in the water. Idly, she wondered what the little fishies under the water were thinking about. Were they laughing at her feeble attempt to catch them? If she were in their position, she'd probably be laughing. "How are you doing, sprout?" Sean asked while reeling his line in to recast it. "Okay. Just thinking about the fishies," she yawned hugely. The sun hadn't been up for an hour yet and she was already tired. "Yeah, that's why I like fishing. It gives me the chance to get away from the Garden and to sit and think," he flicked his wrists, sending the line out into the water. "I'm glad you came with me today. I've been wanting to talk to you when Xu wasn't around." "Oh?" Quistis' curiosity was piqued. She felt a bit guilty about having a conversation with Sean that purposefully excluded Xu, but he must have a good reason. He scooted himself closer to her. "You've come a long way. I don't think even the Headmaster himself could've imagined the things you've accomplished. We're all very proud of you and want to see you continue to succeed. "I say this because a lot of things are going to happen during the next school year. Most important of these events is Xu's graduation. If I'm figuring her classes correctly, she should finish up around winter break. I don't doubt that Xu *will* complete her training and become a member of SeeD, do you?" Quistis shook her head, her mind already racing ahead to where this conversation was leading. "In short, she'd going to be leaving us. SeeDs are in high demand right now and the Headmaster won't waste a person with Xu's talent by having her stationed at the Garden." She felt her lower lip begin to quiver. The thought of Xu leaving her was crushing, just like her parents had left her-- Sean quickly put an arm around her and held her close. "Aww, sprout, I didn't mean to make you cry, but this is something we need to discuss. It's not like Xu will never come back, she will eventually. "I'm not far behind Xu. I'll be graduating next summer if I pass the exams. I want to make sure that there are no surprises for you, and for you to appreciate the time we have together before duty claims us." "You both will be leaving me," she was crying now, the tears streaking down her face. He quickly pulled his line up from the water and put the pole on the dock, then did the same for her pole. He pulled her up onto his lap so that he could hold her. "The life of a SeeD requires us to be mobile -- to be able to put down roots and pull them up again at a moment's notice. But even if we do leave, that doesn't mean our friendship ends. Rest assured that I will always be your friend and that you are in my thoughts and heart," he rocked them back and forth gently. This was as difficult as he thought it would be. Children tended to live in the moment without any concept of what the upcoming months -- or even tomorrow -- would bring. It wouldn't be right to disappear on the kid without warning her of the inevitability. He and Xu had discussed this difficult moment and figured it would be easier on Quistis if he was the one to say it. It was easy to forget how emotionally uncertain Quistis was. She had such a commanding grasp of knowledge-based materials that it was easy to assume her control applied in other areas as well. Alas, intellectual prowess and emotional maturity were two entirely different things. They'd done all they could to create a safe environment for her to explore her intellect at the possible cost of her emotional growth. Sometimes the best-learned lessons were those which are the most painful. He hated to think that way, but it was an unfortunate truth. Quistis continued to sob softly into his tee shirt. He stroked her hair reassuringly while cooing that things would be all right. "Nothing can stay as it is forever," he whispered softly. "For better or worst, things will always keep changing. Let that be a comforting thought." "But I *like* how things are now. I'm happy being at Balamb with you and Xu and the Headmaster," she sniffled, then rubbed her face against his chest. He forced himself not to scold her for soiling his tee shirt. Instead he replied, "What if things are even *better* further along? You never know what the future holds. You'll make new friends *in addition to* the ones you have now." He was careful to emphasize that she wasn't replacing her current friends, only adding to them. "Do I need more friends?" She gave him a questioning look. "Sprout, a person should go for as many friends as they can get. A friend will help you out when you're in a jam. Just be sure that they are *true* friends and not people who are simply using you." "Why would someone try to use me?" Her tears were drying up as this new topic caught her interest. "Well, because you're smart. They might want you to do their work for them," he quickly thought of an example. He didn't think their was anyone at Balamb who would try to take advantage of the girl, but if she was willing to be warned about such people at this point in time... She considered it. "They wouldn't learn anything if I did their work for them," she reasoned. "That's part of it. It's also dishonest to pass someone else's work off as your own. You shouldn't use other people's work, nor give your work out for others to use." She laid her head back against his chest, her thin arms wrapped around him for support. He stopped speaking. Right now, whatever he had to say could wait, just so long as Quistis was comforted. He was startled when he discovered that she was sleeping soundly. He must have gotten her up too early. 'And Xu said that Quistis woke up at the same time she did,' he chuckled to himself. It would give him something to tease her about later. He shifted his legs to prevent them from falling sleep. Quistis didn't even stir. Sean resigned himself to the fact that the next couple hours of his life were going to be spent as a bed for the girl sleeping on his lap. ***** A new class of students joined Balamb Garden. Quistis was glad to no longer be one of the new students. Xu told her that she had to be an example for the newer students and help them out when they needed it. That didn't bother her at all. She liked showing the new ones around the Garden. It also meant that Quistis' classes changed again, though most of her classmates remained the same as they advanced a grade with her. The one major change for her was that her hand-to-hand class was now a weapons course. Part of their time was spent in a classroom studying the history of various weapons, while the rest was in the training room to study their use. It was a topic both Sean and Xu were glad to discuss and offer advice on. Having them together often turned the discussion into a debate since they believed in radically different styles. Sean preferred an approach that emphasized defense and attacking only when it was safe to do so. Xu favored a strong offense that gambled on taking out the enemy before a defense was necessary. Quistis wasn't sure which ideology fit her better since she could see the merits of both. She mentioned this to Xu, who replied that there were many other ideologies besides the ones they presented. There was plenty of middle ground between where she and Sean stood for Quistis to find a spot. Every person at the Garden, upper and junior classman alike, was required to learn basic hand-to-hand skills and how to use a belt knife before they were allowed to choose a weapon to specialize in. Both of these disciplines were high energy and left her feeling exhausted by the end of a training session. Sean insisted that she eat a solid, high calorie breakfast on the mornings that she was training in the afternoon. 'You're going to need every ounce of it, sprout,' he'd then mess up her hair or tug on her pony tail. When her mentors could join her for open training sessions, they would. Sean laid claim to her as a hand-to-hand partner. He instructed her to go at him with everything she had and to not worry about hurting him. She was hesitant at first, not because she was afraid of hurting him, but because it seemed wrong to strike at her mentor. So he would taunt her verbally and take cheap shots until she was provoked into retaliating. "Come on, Quistis, you can throw me!" He stood perfectly still as she struggled to get the leverage she needed to bring him over her shoulder. Frustrated, he knocked her feet out from under her, causing her to fall solidly on her butt. "How can I throw you?! You're so much bigger than I am," she pouted as she resumed standing. "Size will fall to technique, you know that," he scolded. "Be mindful of where you put your feet. They were way out of position." He stood still again as she grabbed hold of his gi and tried to set herself into the correct position. She just couldn't quite get him around-- He unceremoniously dumped her on her butt again. "Do you need to be shown the position again?" He asked her. She shook her head angrily and took hold of his gi after standing. The third time he knocked her down with impatience was too much. She lunged at him, dropping him to the mat with an unexpected tackle to the waist. He blinked in surprise, then grinned. "That's one way to bring me down, though I wouldn't use that technique too often in battle," he offered her a hand up after standing himself. "I'm sorry," she apologized meekly. "You shouldn't be. You should be riled up while in combat, but in a controlled manner. It's good to see you fired up," he tugged on his gi to straighten it back out. "Let me show you the throw again. I don't doubt that you have the concept of how to do it, but foot placement is crucial." Once Sean had worn away her inhibitions of striking her mentors, she began training against Xu. It was difficult for her to attack Xu under any circumstances, but the fact that Xu wanted her to do it with a belt knife made it all the more so. "You have to trust in Xu's ability to stop you. Personally, I trust her ability to stop most anything with her technique except the train between Deling City and Timber," Sean winked at Quistis. She was still unconvinced. Sean frowned for a moment. "Ah, we'll demonstrate that it's okay!" He pulled out the knife that was sheathed on his belt. Xu acknowledge his challenge with a quick bow then put her sai up. Quistis' eyes glazed over as she watched them fight. Xu had an incredible speed advantage, while Sean's advantage in reach was just as significant. It did appear as if both of them were going all out with Xu successfully defending against his jabs and swipes. A junior classman like her wouldn't be nearly as difficult to defend against as Sean was. After a few more minutes they disengaged and acknowledged the other's efforts. "Ready to give it a try?" Sean asked, panting slightly. Xu hadn't even broken a sweat. "You have Cure spells, right?" Quistis asked. He patted one of the pouches that was on his belt. "Don't I always when we're here?" She took her position across the mat from Xu and pulled out the knife that was on her belt. Xu bowed briefly to acknowledge their upcoming battle. Quistis advanced carefully on the guarding Xu. She stuck her knife out only to have it promptly knocked out of her hand by a quick motion of the sai. "Er-" Quistis looked over at her knife where landed against the wall. "Well? Go get it," Sean prompted when she just stood there. "Keep a firm grip on your knife. Xu isn't known for pulling her punches very well." Xu sniffed indignantly. "I pull them for everyone but you," she corrected. Quistis scurried back into position with her knife in hand. Her attacks were still timid and easily blocked by her roommate. "Strike at her more aggressively," Sean coached from the edge of the mat. "Xu's a big girl, she can take it!" She swiped at Xu with her knife, then came back in to jab at her. Picking up the pace of the battle could only work to Xu's advantage, but her body wanted to go faster. She lunged, then swung. Xu avoided the last two advances by simply dodging. "Don't get too wild! Aggressive, controlled strikes are what you're trying for," Sean called to her. She disengaged for a moment to wipe away the sweat on her forehead. She resisted the urge to giggle when she noticed that Xu's hair had almost completely freed itself from the tail it was once in. 'If she grew it just a bit longer, she wouldn't have that problem,' Quistis thought to herself. She battled Xu for a while longer before Sean called a stop to their session. "It's nearly dinner time and you both are in desperate need of a shower." "Trust you to know when a meal time is fast approaching," Xu glanced up at the wall chronometer and saw that he was correct. "Nice work, Quistis. There's a lot to be done with your technique, but you kept your attacks varied, which is a good start." "Indeed," Sean agreed. "I'm going to take a quick shower myself and then claim us a table." "What makes you think that we won't beat you there?" Xu asked with a challenging edge to her tone. "You're women. It's your obligation to keep men waiting!" He waved at them as he left for the locker room. Xu shook her head at being stun by that clever rascal. Point in fact, Sean did beat them to the Cafeteria. He already had his tray of food and was politely waiting for them to get their dinners before eating. They were well into their meals when Quistis noticed that Sean had something sitting across his lap. "Oh! Sorry, my mind was focused on something else," he said as he looked down. Xu snorted from her edge of the square table. "Hush you," he growled playfully. He turned to speak with Quistis. "There are a lot of things they don't tell you about in the classroom. One of those things is the importance of a good utility belt, or, in lieu of that, the importance of wearing clothes with many pockets. As you may have noticed, there are a lot of things SeeDs have to keep on them -- belt knife, spell beads, items, Guardian Forces, cards -- they're a mobile shop! "So, I had a belt made for you last time I went fishing in Balamb," he handed the leather belt over to her. It was very broad, as wide as the palm of her hand. It had a heavy metal buckle with two teeth to thread through the holes. "Thank you, Sean," she admired her new belt. Xu raised an eyebrow once she got a good look at it. "Your heart's in the right place, Sean, but women don't wear clothes with belt loops quite *that* large." 'Not that men do either,' she added silently. "I know. I figured she could let it ride on her hips once she has them," his impish grin appeared. "Impudent, you are," Xu chided lightly. "I live to perv," he quipped. Quistis didn't understand that remark, but judging by the look on Xu's face; Sean was going to get it later on. Whether or not he did, she'd never know. He did come by later that evening to ask her if she wanted to go fishing with him during the next free day. Xu was already committed to go play war games with some of her classmates, so it would be the two of them again. She accepted his offer, though not to fish. She'd just sit on the dock and read as he tried to catch the clever fishies with his silly pole and line. Sean didn't wake her up quite as early has he did last time. The sun was fully above the horizon as they walked to Balamb. The monsters seemed to be as restless as she was feeling. Twice Bite Bugs attacked them as they made their way. Each time, Sean quickly picked off the Bite Bugs until there was only one left. That one he left for her to battle. She wasn't too confident in her knife skills the first time she struck at the monster. It retaliated by attacking Sean for insignificant damage. Her mentor encouraged her to boldly go up there and plunge her knife into it. She tried that tactic, shoving the belt knife as hard as she could into the monster's small body. It seized up then fell to the ground. She was both fascinated and horrified that killing monsters came so easily. She felt little remorse for the life she just ended, even if it was the life of a monster. Once they were settled in on the dock for the day, she asked Sean about it. "Not feeling sorry for killing a monster, huh?" He slowly reeled his line in as he considered it. "I won't belittle you by saying that they're lesser creatures and deserve death for attacking humans, though that is a point some use. I've been told that the reason we don't feel remorse when we kill monsters is because humans naturally devalue the life of lesser creatures." "I see..." she did, sort of. From the point of view of a Shumi, humans must be only a step up from the monsters they fought against. Sean continued musing aloud. "It's an interesting subject to think about -- the whole issue of monsters. Xu might be a better person to ask. Has she told you much about her family's beliefs?" "She told me that they don't believe in eating meat since that would make them just like the monsters," she answered promptly. He had drawn his line in all the way by now. He cast it out again and repeated the slow reeling in process before speaking. "That's part of it. Her family is very traditionalist. They have a long history and can tell you stories of times when there were no monsters roaming around, if you can believe that! "Her family doesn't believe that monsters are the Ultimate Evil that they are generally portrayed as. They tend to think that monsters have as much of a right to life as humans do. They consider them as just another class of animal. An aggressive animal, certainly, but not deserving of outright extermination (like that's possible)," he added in an aside. Quistis blinked with surprise. She had assumed that *everyone* viewed monsters as a common enemy. The thought that her *roommate* was related to a group that afforded them the same rights as a human was shocking. "Then why does Xu kill monsters?" Sean chuckled, knowing what was going through her mind. "She's an only child, but she's had more than one cousin killed by the buggers. "Her parents didn't exactly approve of her career choice, but they didn't stop her either," he added thoughtfully. "They're into peaceful co-existence while their 'rebellious' daughter has chosen the path of violence. Such an ideological difference in any other family probably would have resulted in Xu being disowned. Fortunately, her parents believe that following her destined path takes precedence over their personal convictions," he shrugged in a way to indicate that he held no opinion on that matter. "Xu has kept the diet her family has maintained for generations. She also respects their beliefs while visiting them and refrains from killing any monsters unless a person's life is in immediate danger. Living without killing *can* be done, it just involves a lot of inconveniences and being constantly vigilant." "I never realized there was so much behind Xu," Quistis admitted. "*Every* person has a story, sprout. That's why listening is one of the most important skills you can develop. The more you know about a person and their past, the better you will be able to work with them in the future." It was a profound thought for her to mull over. They sat together in amiable silence until the sun reached mid-sky. Sean stood up and stretched. He'd only had a few nibbles and was getting the nibbles himself. "Let's get some lunch," he put the pole over his shoulder and led them to the nearby cafe. A broad umbrella guarded them from the sun as they sat at a small table on a patio. Soon a man with an apron tied about his waist came out to take their order. Sean ordered his usual -- whatever that was -- while she got a sandwich. "You should appreciate these quiet days while you have," he said, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the cool spring breeze that blew gently. "What do you mean?" She asked. He leaned forward in his chair. "There's no denying that you're going to live an exciting life. Things may have settled down after the Sorceress War, but there are still monsters roaming this planet and SeeDs are in demand. Me? I'll probably end up as some sort of SeeD grunt, but I see you leading a unit of SeeDs into battle." Quistis blushed and slid down in her chair. She was eleven years old. Where were all these qualities they said they could see in her hiding? She certainly didn't see them. Sean chuckled at her discomfort, and then motioned for her to sit up when their food arrived. The waiter set a sandwich before her. In front of Sean he set a medium sized pizza. "Are you really going to eat all that?" She boggled. "Every delicious slice," he pulled one off the pan, the stringy cheese making it difficult to do so neatly, and took a bite. "Unless you want some, of course," he motioned for her to eat up. She shook her head, then changed the subject. "You know, I don't think I've ever seen you catch a fish." Sean gagged on his pizza, pounding his chest as he swallowed it down. "I catch plenty of fish! I just let them go," he waved away her doubts about his fishing skill. "Balamb fish aren't very good for eating anyway." She smiled between bites of her sandwich. She'd been learning from Xu how to tease Sean. He reflexively ran his fingers through his hair before returning to his meal. After lunch, he spent the rest of the day trying to prove that he really could catch a fish. If only someone had told the fish to co-operate with him. ***** With Sean and Xu tutoring her it didn't take long for Quistis to pass the pre-requisite weapons tests that came before selecting a weapon to specialize in. She thought hard regarding which one she would choose. Her research led her to a weapon that didn't require the stamina of Xu's sai, yet had the finesse Sean's pistol lacked. "I'm going to study the whip!" Quistis told them both while they played a game of Triple Triad during a study break one night. Xu shot Sean a glare that could have pinned him to the wall. "Don't you *dare* say anything," she growled under her breath. "My mind wasn't in the gutter, was yours?" He asked innocently as he put a card down. Once again she didn't understand what they were talking about. Sometimes she thought that teenagers had a language of their own. Xu began asking her questions about the whip since she didn't think there were any cadets currently training with one. In fact, there was one other. He was in the class ahead of Quistis. The Faculty already stated its intentions of training them together, so some scheduling adjustments might be needed. It was tougher than Quistis thought. Not only did the whip require fine wrist control, but there was also the risk of it snapping back and hitting her. She learned to not be timid when trying to master her weapon from her training sessions with Xu and Sean. Her diligence paid off sooner than she expected. A few short months after picking up the whip for the first time and the Faculty passed her as competent enough to enter the SeeD program. Weapons work was the last hurdle she had to cross before she had the pre-requisites to join. Happy coincidence had picked the day for her becoming a cadet to be the same as her birthday. It was the only thing she wanted and she got it. Sean was anxious to see Quistis in her new uniform. She giggled at his enthusiasm since the new uniform looked just like her old one with the exception of a SeeD patch being sewn on the upper arm. The patch on her arm and the new set of goals were the only things to change in her life. Her classes remained the same since she was already doing upper division work. Her weapons and magic training would become more intense now, but not until after the winter break when they reevaluated and placed students. 'It would be easier to continue as you have been for six more weeks than to disrupt your learning with the pressures of catching up,' the Headmaster explained to her. That brought an abrupt halt to her exuberance. How could time pass so quickly? Xu would be up for the SeeD exams by the winter break! Six weeks. The time seemed to drag on but to also pass too quickly. Xu was incredibly busy with finishing up final requirements. It seemed like she was gone more than she was around. Sean tried to spend more time with Quistis, knowing that she was sometimes lonely without her roommate around. She tried to accept that Xu would be leaving soon as best as she could. It would be hard for her to say good-bye, but Sean was right, good-bye wasn't forever. She would see Xu again. ***** Sean tapped on the door to the room Quistis and Xu shared. He knew Xu was in, and so waited patiently when she was slow in answering. The group of cadets Xu was with on a training mission had returned an hour earlier. After getting a look at the rest of them, he knew that Xu would be in less than excellent condition. "You look like you were slapped around by a Grat," he said sympathetically after coming in. Xu had called for whoever it was to let themselves in, too tired to get up and answer the door herself. She was stretched out along Quistis' lower bunk, which doubled as a couch. "I'd feel better if I were. I found muscles I didn't know I had. They're tight all over," she winced as she leaned up to greet him. "It's a good thing I stopped by." Sean gave one of his charming grins. "Nothing loosens tight muscles better than a nice rub down." Xu sighed. "That sounds pleasant, but how do I know you're not doing this so that you can feel me up?" He didn't even try for innocence as he sat down beside her head. "There has to be something in this deal for me. Think of it as being mutually beneficial. You won't even have to change. The tee-shirt and sweats you're in now won't get in the way." The idea was so tempting that better sense was disregarded. Sitting up, she let Sean move over on the bed, then stretched out across his lap. Quistis wouldn't mind as long as she was sure to straighten the covers when they were done. Sean's long fingers reached across her back as he caressed her shoulder muscles. His touch felt so good... She couldn't resist the urge to close her eyes and drift off as he smoothed away the knots. His fingertips sought the small, tight areas and worked them out in little motions, circling deep into her skin. Xu sighed and rolled her head on her arms, nodding off. "Xu?" He woke her gently as he stretched her shirt's neckline. If he wanted her to take it off, she would refuse. For a while. "Hum?" She responded sleepily. "I'm curious. What's this tattoo between your shoulder blades? I wouldn't have figured you as one for such things," he carefully pulled at the neckline to better view the marking. He couldn't make heads or tails of it. It consisted of a few symbols of varying complexity that totaled about five centimeters square in size. "It's my name," she turned her head to regard him through half-closed eyes. He looked at it again. He knew that the standard language wasn't her first. She never offered to demonstrate her native tongue and he hadn't asked. Were these symbols its written form? If so, it appeared to be quite complex. "All that equals 'Xu'?" He replaced her shirt before resuming work on her back. He left her shoulders alone, working the heels of his hands along her ribs. She sighed with pleasure before answering. "More or less -- a bit more, actually. It doesn't translate very well." "May I ask why? I mean, I doubt you'd forget your own name. And having it on your back where you can't easily see it doesn't accomplish much." She winced as he ran his hands firmly along her rib cage, the sore muscles sliding along the bones and slowly unkinking. Lazily, she rolled over onto her side with her left arm propping her head up. "It's part of my coming of age. It signifies that I'm a named member of my clan. You probably think that's silly, don't you?" He shook his head as he rested his hand on her side. "Hardly. My father made us prove that we were grown up before he would consider us adults. A coming of age trial is a good thing. It can change the mindset of children towards the responsibility of being adults." "Exactly. I wonder what Quistis' coming of age will be since she lacks the family to fill that role," Xu mused. "Becoming a SeeD?" He offered. She grimaced. "That's too late. I was a year order than she is now when I was named. It needs to happen sooner." "We'll think of something," he reassured. "Considering that you'll be leaving soon with me not far behind; being on her own might be the trial itself." "It could be..." she thought about it. She let her head fall to the mattress as she continued to think. Sean stroked her side without addressing the issue of tight muscles, moving his hand from shoulder to hip smoothly. Xu found herself relaxing more because she enjoyed his company than the services he offered. "There's just one thing," he drawled slowly. She watched his face as one of his impish grins tugged at his lips as his eyes lit up with mischief. "Let's skip the tattooing her name across her back part. I don't think she'd go for it." Xu snorted and rolled over onto her back, her arms holding her head up. "I wouldn't force that on anyone." Sean's grin remained as he playfully rubbed her belly. "So, any more body markings that I can find?" "Pervert," she moved off his lap to stand next to the bed. "You're no fun," he pouted. "It's an honest interest." "Not tonight," she leaned forward to give him a quick kiss on the forehead. "I need to get ready for tomorrow. I'll see you later, okay?" He stood up, knowing that it was time for him to leave. "You're so cruel, teasing me like you do. Alright, I'll try again tomorrow," his smile widened. "But remember, sooner or later I will catch you, my darling Xu." With that, he left. Xu leaned her head against the door after closing it. "What if you already have..?" She whispered before moving to straighten out the bed covers. ***** "Don't you have your written SeeD exam tomorrow?" Quistis asked as she came into her dorm room and sat her book bag onto her bed. Sean and Xu were playing Triple Triad at Xu's desk. "I do," she put down a card, flipping over two of Sean's. He grimaced as he thought about what card to put down in response. "Aren't you going to study?" If it were she on the night before the exam that would determine the rest of her life, she'd be cramming every last bit of knowledge that she could. Xu shrugged indifferently. "By now I either know it or I don't. A night's worth of cramming can't substitute for the last five years of training." Sean nodded his agreement as he put a card down; flipping back over one Xu had captured. She immediately laid down another card with a capture resulting. Sean resumed his frowning. "You have a point," Quistis pulled her chair over to watch them play. One more round finished the game with Sean as the loser. They didn't exchange cards, opting instead to shuffle the cards back into their decks and pull out five more at random to play with. Xu did decide to go to bed early because of the long day ahead of her. The written exam began promptly at 0700 and wouldn't finish until late afternoon. By the time Quistis woke up in the morning, Xu was already gone and taking her test. The entire Garden had a heavy feeling to it with the emotions thick enough to taste them. All but the most junior of classman understood that 30 some odd students were being tested today and that everyone was pulling for them. Statistically speaking, only ten to fifteen of those 30 would pass the exam and go onto the field exam. The field exam could be held at any time after the written test, though it was usually within a few days of it. Of those students only a few would graduate and become SeeDs. It was the moment they were all preparing for. The pressure associated with it was almost more grueling than the exams themselves. Since the written test was given entirely on the study panels, they would know immediately if they passed or failed when they were finished. Some upper classmen set up a chalkboard near the classroom that the exam was being administered in. All of the names of the cadets taking the exam were written on the board. As they left the classroom their results were chalked up for the student body to see. Those who failed did their best to hide their disappointment by saying that they could try again next term. In fact, they could keep trying until their 20th birthday. If they weren't a graduated SeeD by then, they were asked to leave the Garden. The students who passed the exam were perhaps in worse shape than those who failed, for they had the field exam looming over them. That was the true test of a person's worthiness to be a SeeD. *Every* action performed during the field exam was noted and evaluated. The amount of emphasis put on this part of the testing would seem excessive to the uninitiated. But for SeeD to maintain its reputation as the best they could only allow the best to join their ranks. After her classes, Quistis joined the many students milling about in the hallway waiting for their friends to come out. She engaged in a few games of Triple Triad while waiting. Sean showed up about an hour after she did. He glanced up at the board to see if anyone he knew passed -- knowing that if Quistis was here Xu wasn't out yet. He leaned his back against the wall then slid down it to settle in for a long wait. Their wait wasn't as long as it was for some of the others who were there to support their friends. Shortly after Sean arrived, Xu was stopped at the door as she came out of the room. She nodded a few times then scanned the crowd. The upper classman strode over to the board and boldly wrote "PASSED" next to Xu's name. The loud yip from Quistis allowed her to zoom in on where they were waiting for her. "You did it!" Quistis hugged Xu tightly around the waist. Xu returned the embrace, not bothering to hide the joy she was feeling at overcoming this obstacle. Sean allowed them their moment before quickly embracing Xu himself. Many of the people waiting added their congratulations and best wishes for the next part of the exam. "Ah, all this nerve-wrenching sitting certainly works up an appetite. Let's go eat," Sean suggested as they walked towards the elevator to return them to the ground floor. "I don't know how you're going to make it through the field exam if sitting on your butt manages to leave you feeling famished," Xu commented as she pressed the button to call the lift. "As long as I'm allowed to bring some rations with me I should be able to stick it out," he answered with all seriousness, though his eyes gleamed with unrestrained humor. He motioned for the ladies to precede him when the doors opened. With Quistis in front of him, he slipped his hand over to catch Xu's and give it a squeeze before stuffing his hands into his pockets. Xu met his eyes and nodded slightly. She understood that he wanted to meet privately later. Sean's food choices for dinner were more appalling than usual. It was difficult to eat a meal in the Cafeteria that was completely devoid of any nutritional value, but Xu was convinced Sean would find a way. Fortunately, she was winning out on being the one to influence Quistis' food choices. Xu wasn't sure how he could eat like he did and not blimp out. He was blessed with an overactive metabolism was her guess. Quistis wanted to go to the Library and get a few books, conveniently leaving them to go off together. She would have to thank the girl later for her thoughtfulness. The inner gate guard was used to their courtyard talks and quickly passed them. Sean brushed a light dusting of snow off of the bench they usually shared before letting Xu sit down on it. "I've been expecting this for a long time," he said after they were comfortably seated. "So have I..." Xu knew that he wasn't referring to her passing the written exam. It had come time to decide what to do about their friendship. It was likely that she didn't have another week at Balamb Garden and she couldn't leave without them deciding upon a direction to take. "Xu," he took her mittened hands up in his, holding them tightly, "it's difficult to say this, but we both know how things will work out. Our hearts belong to our duty first." She swallowed, knowing what he said to be true. They'd both dedicated their lives to SeeD and wouldn't let anything -- including love -- distract them. She couldn't deny the pang of regret she felt because of that. Never before had she doubted her conviction as she did at this moment. He gazed intently into her eyes. "I know... If things were different... If we'd met under other circumstances... If you weren't so damn good," he smiled fondly at her. "So many 'if's." "I'm sorry..." He placed a finger on her lips to stop her. "I'm not. I've felt so alive during these last two years. You've given me a goal to strive for and something important to protect. I *thank* you for allowing me into your life. "There's only one thing I ask of you -- and you can refuse if you wish -- but may I kiss you? I want to know what I'm missing out on," he said it with a light tone, but the sincerity behind it was there. She ducked her head and blushed. "You may." He placed a gloved hand gently under her chin to bring her head back up. He leaned forward, smiling reassuringly as he drew closer. Xu closed her eyes as his lips pressed against hers. Sean tried to convey all of the warmth, love, and respect he felt for her in that moment. It was an impossible thing to do, but he tried anyway. They finally parted, Xu feeling breathless from the experience. He savored the taste she left in his mouth. "Life is so cruel sometimes," he touched her cheek affectionately before standing up. "Congratulations again on passing the written exam. I know you'll pass the upcoming field exam with flying colors." He walked away then. Not as her lover, but even more so her friend. She would have given herself to him for a night to demonstrate that she truly did share his feelings. Deep down, she knew that he wouldn't have accepted her gift. He may tease, but he was far too much the gentleman. The snow began falling again. It coated her in a soft, white blanket before she stood up and returned to the warmth of the Garden. ***** Sean whistled as he walked down the hallway. A meeting he just had with the Headmaster left him feeling quite well. During their discussion Cid had confirmed that the field exam was being held today. That was a tidbit of information he wasn't to let drop, especially to any of the testing cadets. It wasn't likely that he'd even see Xu before she was ordered to depart. It was her roommate that he was tracking down at the moment. He knew that they'd both be on edge waiting to see how Xu did. So he thought that a trip to the Training Center would get their minds off of things for a while. It wouldn't hurt either of them to get more time in there. Quistis was excited by the prospect of getting to practice at the Center. They agreed to meet there after the lunch break. His day was shaping up to be a very good one indeed. ***** The Headmaster purposefully strode into the classroom. Every cadet stood and saluted. "Those of you who aren't eligible for the field exam have a free afternoon. The rest of you are to change into your uniforms and meet by the directory out front at 1400. Dismissed," he left the room with them still at attention. "The field exam!" One of them gasped. They knew it would be soon, but it was still a surprise. Xu checked the chronometer on the wall. They had 20 minutes to get their acts together. She walked quickly to her room to get her weapons and pouches. She'd had her belt prepared for three days now. Despite that, she checked over the pouch's contents quickly before putting it on. A few of the cadets were already at the designated gathering spot when she arrived. None of them were letting the nerves they felt show -- much to their credit. Xu stood off to the side and crossed her arms. She focused on the tight knot of nerves that was balled up in her belly. Mentally, she untied it until she was feeling better physically. "You're all here early? Very good," Cid walked down the stairs from the elevator and presumably from his office. "Yes, indeed," he looked them all over. This term's exam had nine people taking it. He always hoped that one of these terms every student who took the field exam would pass. It never happened though. The highest number ever graduated from a single exam was seven. "There will be two squads. Squad A's leader is Xu. Squad B's leader is Kei," Cid announced. Kei was another one of those students with odd tendencies that the Headmaster indulged. She flat out *refused* to wear the female uniform when she entered Garden. Fortunately, she looked very sharp in the male uniform, which probably didn't hurt her any when she made her case to be allowed to do so. A mark of Kei's defiant spirit was the single earring she wore in her left ear like many males instead of one in each like females tended. Kei smirked slightly as she brushed back her short black hair, then rested her right hand lightly on the katana hanging from her belt. The Garden rumor mill had Xu and Kei in close competition as to who was more lethal cadet in the Training Center. Neither woman liked to think in those terms, instead considering their *proficiency* as simply another aspect of the job. "You'll receive your briefing en route. Go to the Parking Garage and get onto the transport," Cid motioned for them to go. They jogged quickly to the Parking Garage. No one said a word as they rode to the Balamb port. It was a given that wherever the field exam was being conducted, it wasn't on the small continent of Balamb. They quickly transferred to a waiting battle skimmer. The battle skimmer was SeeDs vehicle of choice for moving units off Balamb to other parts of the world in a hurry. It was high speed, well armed, and had the capacity to transport land vehicles. The skimmer also featured a briefing room complete with advanced communications technologies and wall display. It was this cabin they moved to. Xu sat down on one of the padded benches next to a classmate and waited. Once they were underway, the Headmaster cleared his throat to begin the briefing. He walked over to a wall display and pulled up a map of the region they were traveling to. "SeeD has been contracted to assist with the capture of two escaped criminals from D-District Prison in the Dingo Desert. It's believed that they're heading north to Desert Prison Station where they could board a train and escape. They'll soon discover train service to that region has been cancelled. Their best bet is to head up the Winhill Bluffs and make their way north towards civilization." The display zoomed in on a northern section of the desert. "The prisoners have been boxed in this region. SeeD will go in and retrieve the criminals alive and return them to the prison. "Squads A and B will be assigned to positions that maintain a perimeter around the area believed to shelter the criminals. You will not proceed to capture the criminals yourselves unless ordered to do otherwise. Keep them boxed in and allow the SeeDs to perform the capture. Any questions?" No one spoke, indicating that they understood their orders. Cid stepped away from the wall display that had a map of the target region on it. His voice took on a less formal tone, though it didn't lose any of its weight. "The monsters in this region of the world are more powerful than many of those that can be found on the Alcauld Plains. I ask you to be especially careful should you engage a Blood Soul. The status magic it uses is deceptively potent in battle." It wasn't long before the battle skimmers rammed up onto the beach and scattered SeeDs and cadets across the shore. The Dingo Desert was less than a kilometer east of their current position and the Bluffs were due north. Xu ordered her Squad into a jog to get them into position. Squad B ran off to the east to take up their part of the perimeter. Xu could *sense* the presence of monsters, but none presented themselves. New orders were issued over a small com unit she'd be issued. "Squad A tighten the perimeter by 200 meters." "Yes, sir," she acknowledged. They moved cautiously inward. The squad members were within visual distance of each other. When one of them began to wave to Xu, she moved over to him so that the entire plateau wouldn't hear him yelling. "Sir, I think there's a monster nest near the position I am to maintain," he reported. He didn't add that he wasn't too fond of the idea of taking up that position should she order him to do so. She nodded. "I'm going to confirm that there is a nest. If so, we'll shift the line to make the nest the endpoint. Let's use this to our advantage." He saluted and jogged off to take up her former position in the line. She moved cautiously towards the spot the squad member had indicated. Rustling of the tall grasses when no wind blew was a good hint that monsters were indeed hiding there. She caught enough of a glimpse of a Blood Soul to be convinced. Blood Souls were small, flying monsters that looked to be almost entirely head. What made them dangerous was their undead status and willingness to make you join their ranks. Just as carefully as she'd come in, Xu retraced her steps. "Shift the line," she ordered. The monsters would work for them. No one in their right mind would challenge a nest of monsters, especially if they wished to live afterwards. The com unit soon buzzed again after they took their new positions. "The criminals are being driven your way. Squad B is en route. Don't allow them to pass!" "Permission to act if engaged?" The unit was silent for several moments. "Granted," it squeaked finally. "On your guard!" She warned her squad. All of them put their weapons up in a ready position. Nothing would get past them if she could help it! The underbrush rustled and then two blurs erupted from it. The criminals! They charged forward without regard as to what was immediately ahead of them. Xu called for them to halt. They spotted Squad A and ran around them through the 'hole' in the line. "Stop! There's a monsters nest!" Xu yelled at them. They didn't stop until the monsters were upon them. They wouldn't last long if she didn't do something. "Squad A, protect the criminals and defeat the monsters!" "Yes, sir!" Three voices chorused as they began to engage the Blood Souls. It wouldn't be an easy battle with them outnumbered as they were. Not only did they need to defend the prisoners; they couldn't allow them to escape either. Xu tried to keep close to the two prisoners, covering them from attacks. With two people to defend and three Blood Souls engaging her, she would soon be in a world of hurt. One of the sickly looking monsters swooped in and clotted a prisoner hard enough to send him to the ground. Dammit! She didn't have the time to be curing them also. Her redemption came by way of a powerful female voice calling 'CURE!' from behind them. Squad B arrived and engaged the monsters as well. Kei charged at one of the Blood Souls tormenting Xu with her katana drawn. It had fallen to the ground by the time she knocked another out of the air. Xu focused her attentions on keeping the prisoners alive and within her custody until a SeeD relieved her. She put her efforts into defending and curing. It wasn't her usual niche, but it's what the situation demanded of her. The SeeDs were quick in arriving and made short work of the remaining Blood Souls. Xu was proud of the swath in the monster numbers the cadets managed to cut before the SeeDs showed up. The prisoners were put into restraints and escorted away. The cadets were allowed to search the Blood Soul carcasses for magic stone fragments before being ordered back to the beach. Back on the battle skimmer, Xu and Kei sat next to each other. The exam was over and they were free to discuss the mission amongst themselves. Many of the cadets were trading their battle stories with one another. Xu smiled as she listened. "Thanks for coming to our aid," Xu inclined the upper half of her body in a bow to the other woman. "Anything for you, cousin," softly Kei answered with a chuckle. "Shhhhh!" Xu hissed. "You know that we aren't related while in uniform." Kei snorted as she continued to laugh softly. Few people had ever figured out that they were cousins. Fewer still knew that they hailed from the eccentric 'monster's rights' Anshin clan of the Serengetti Plains. Both had left their home wishing to find a life free of the biases their relations earned them. When they discovered each other at the Garden, they promised to not acknowledge the relation to each other or to the Anshin unless confronted with it directly. Her cousin was more of an outcast than Xu was. Kei was stubborn -- even for one of their clan -- and refused to believe that monsters had any role in the scheme of things beyond creating havoc for humans. She'd also refused to engage in the traditional coming of age ceremony. That distressed the elders to no end. The final result was Kei digging her heels in until they accepted her for who she was -- nothing more, nothing less. When compared to their sibling's difficulties with Kei, her parents considered their problems with her minor. The elders were already calling them the 'generation of fury'. She was unsure as to whose fury was being reflected in that titled -- the parents, the elders, or theirs. More than likely, all three now that she thought about it. For better or worse, it was time to see where her lot in life had landed her. She sincerely hoped it was where both her and her cousin wished to be. ***** "Hey, Sean, want to place your bet on the SeeD graduates?" Eugene slid in next to him at the table during lunch. Jessie and LeVar weren't long in joining them. "Sean won't place a bet this time," LeVar stated matter-of-factly. He didn't like the idea of losing face in front of his friends. Betting on the SeeD outcome certainly wasn't something that was condoned at the Garden, but that didn't keep a small pool from forming. "Have I missed one yet?" He pointed out. "Put me down for 200 gil on Xu." LeVar gave a short bark of laughter. "I told you so." "You can't bet on Xu, Sean," Jessie explained. "She's been excluded from the pool since she's a shoe-in." He sniffed with indignation. "Well, fine then, count me out." LeVar laughed again because he'd accurately predicted that response. "Anyway," he drawled as he stood and picked up his tray, "I'm meeting Quistis shortly. Do try to keep out of trouble while I'm away." He put his tray on the dish room conveyor belt as he passed by it. The sprout was waiting for him outside the Training Center. The belt he'd given her looked ridiculous on her narrow frame, but he was certain she'd grow into it well. "Ready?" He asked as they passed through the first gate. Quistis nodded, her eyes wide as she took in her surroundings. This couldn't be her first time in the Center, could it? When he asked, she confirmed that it was. That struck him as odd. He was certain Xu would have brought her here by now. "Well, watch your back, sprout. The monsters here are tougher than the ones outside and if we come across a T-Rexaur, we run," he checked them into the Center. According to the registry, there were no other students currently training. It was early enough in the afternoon that they were probably still doing class work. He kept his eye out for any lone Grats that they could challenge. When they found one, he quickly gave Quistis a run down of the monster's tendencies and how to defeat it. She boggled at its long limbs and giant maw. It certainly was a *strange* looking monster. She'd seen pictures of a Grat before, but they didn't do it justice at all. Sean drew his pistol and maintained an out-of-the-way, yet protective, position by Quistis. She was skilled enough with the whip that he didn't fear being hit with it by mistake, but it was still a weapon that required giving the wielder their space. He also wanted to be able to take the hit if the Grat did more than give her a love tap. She wouldn't have the strength yet to take much of that without constant curing. He brought as many Cure spells as he could carry with him today to be on the safe side. The Grat waves its limbs with indignation as Quistis snapped her whip at it. The hit did more to startle it than damage. It tried to return the favor, but Sean neatly covered Quistis. He then squared up and took a shot at the monster. It *definitely* didn't like that. The Grat's maw worked furiously before it spat its sleeping gas out at them. Sean avoided the cloud of gas, but Quistis didn't dodge in time. "Enough games," he said coolly as he shot the Grat right in its bulbous belly. The monster squirmed before falling over dead. Sean knelt down and gently shook Quistis awake. The girl had never been under a Sleep spell before and was unsure of what to make of the experience. He recommended against repeating it, though it was inevitable. They got into the groove of things soon afterwards. They took on only single Grats until Quistis felt comfortable challenging two. It was a credit to their skill by how little curing he'd done since they came in. It was nearly impossible for a lumbering T-Rexaur to sneak up on its intended victim. So, when Sean saw one heading their way, he took the hint and ran the other direction with Quistis in tow. Unfortunately, he'd forgotten how clever the buggers could be. The one T-Rexaur had driven them right into another and escape without engaging one of them first was impossible. The T-Rexaur before them roared. It swiped its large tail at them, knocking both to the ground. Sean took a majority of the hit since he'd been guarding Quistis. "As soon as I challenge the T-Rexaur I want you to dart past it and *don't stop* until you're through the final set of gates!" He picked himself up from the ground slowly. "Sean!" She protested. There was no way he could take on a T-Rexaur on his own. There was no way they could take on a T-Rexaur together. "DO IT!" He barked at her with an authority he'd never used with her before. "I'll try to escape after you're gone." He pulled his hand back into a position that Quistis recognized as his spell casting motion. "On my mark, sprout." He completed his movements for casting with her running when he called 'BLIZZARD!' Quistis moved as fast as her legs would carry her. The T-Rexaur was hit with the spell and couldn't snap at her as she jetted by. Her mind raced as fast as her body did. Despite that, or perhaps because of it, time moved in slow motion when she heard a terrible cry from the battle. She looked over her shoulder and instantly wished she hadn't. The T-Rexaur had taken Sean into its giant mouth and had bitten down on him. His legs hung out limply as the monster bit down a couple more times with a sickening crunch. The scream that ripped from her throat could have shattered glass. Then she felt herself ram into something. Fearing it was another monster she screamed again, but it was a Faculty member who'd noticed that something was awry. It blew a whistle, scaring the monsters away from the gate. It quickly pushed her into the arms of another Faculty member as yet a third called for Doctor Kadowaki. The Doctor was quick in coming. Quistis was huddled up in a corner sobbing uncontrollably. Kadowaki ordered one of the Faculty members to take Quistis to the Infirmary and have her assistant on duty administer a sedative to relieve her body from the convulsions she was experiencing. The Doctor added that she was to be confined to the Infirmary until further notice. In a very un-Shumi like move, the Faculty picked her up and placed her over its shoulders as it hurried her to the Infirmary. The assistant on duty had been alerted that there was an accident and to prepare. He wasn't expecting the crying girl that the Faculty laid out on the examination table. It passed the Doctor's orders along faithfully. The assistant gave Quistis a sedative that would loosen her tightened muscles and mellow her down. He then asked the Faculty to move her along to one of the small recovery rooms. The sedative worked quickly. She couldn't stand on her own two feet if her life depended on it. The Faculty stretched her out carefully on a bed, then took up a position by the room's door to enforce the Doctor's ordered confinement. "Miss Quistis Trepe has been understanding of Faculty. Faculty will not let harm come to Miss Quistis Trepe while Faculty stands here," it told the assistant when he commented that it really wasn't necessary for it to stay there. ***** "This is horrible," Cid said from his end of the com as the battle skimmers returned from Galbadia. "You couldn't revive him? A Life spell didn't work?" "Cid, there wasn't enough of him *left* to cast a Life spell on," the strain in Kadowaki's voice was easily detected. Professionalism kept her from falling apart for the time being, but tonight she would cry herself to sleep. It was always hard when she couldn't save a patient. It made her feel all the worse by the violent way this one had died. She hadn't even the chance *to* save him. Cid kept his emotions reigned in behind a mask. He too would mourn when duty allowed him the opportunity. "Has the T-Rexaur been put down?" Kadowaki nodded sharply. "We're currently retrieving what we can for proper burial." Cid didn't envy those assigned that gruesome task. "Has the word gotten out?" This time the Doctor shook her head. "Sean and Quistis were the only ones in the Training Center when it happened. As far as the student body knows the Center is closed down for maintenance." His heart froze. "You didn't mention that Quistis was there. Did she witness it?" Kadowaki bowed her head and Cid wanted to pound his fist on the console. "I've confined her to the Infirmary for the time being and given her a sedative. I'm sorry, Cid, this couldn't get much worse." "I can imagine a few ways," he muttered darkly. "We're not going to announce the cadet's death until tomorrow. Tonight, we're going to focus on the SeeD graduates. It may not be the most honest thing to do, but we shouldn't overshadow such an important event with this tragedy. "Keep Quistis confined to the Infirmary. I'll head off Xu if she goes looking for her roommate. Word mustn't leak about this until tomorrow. Contact Galbadia and Trabia Gardens and see if they can spare some counselors. I have a feeling that we're going to need them." The Doctor acknowledged the orders and cut the link. By all that's holy what a terrible thing to happen. The timing couldn't be worse. He looked over the score sheets from the exam again. Six people had passed including the two squad leaders. He briefly considered failing Xu in order to keep her at Balamb for a term longer, but that would be incredibly unfair of him. Xu had lead her squad with creativity (using the monster's nest to her advantage) and initiative (protecting the prisoners). These were qualities to be encouraged, not the opposite. He'd anticipated her graduation and had already lined up her first assignment. He couldn't pull her from that without creating bigger tangles for himself in the long run. No, all he could do would be to stonewall sending her off as long as possible to give her the chance to mourn that she needed. He had noticed the direction the two cadet's friendship was headed. Personally, he'd been pulling for them to come to an understanding, though he was certain that they would choose duty over love. He regretted that. Love was one of the most powerful forces known to man. He sighed heavily. There wasn't much to do on that account anymore. His heart went out to Xu. The upcoming months were going to be very difficult ones for her no matter how one sliced it. Her first assignment wasn't an easy one. What would have been a challenge before will likely be a trial after this. ***** The cadets were ordered to wait by the second floor classrooms until a Faculty member came to get the ones who passed. Xu and Kei were leaned up against a wall, chatting about nothing to soothe their nerves. For as confident as Xu felt regarding this moment up to this point, now that she was standing here waiting, her heart raced. Kei noticed this and gave her hand a quick squeeze. "If they didn't graduate you, cousin, then I have no idea what a SeeD is," she murmured her assurance in the language of their clan. "I hope you're right," she answered in kind. They were speaking low enough that no one should be able to overhear them. And even then, the chances of someone else knowing their native tongue were slim. "Ha! Aren't I always right?" She gave Xu a playful poke in the ribs. "You weren't right about grandmother being upset when we added sleeping powder to her soup," Xu commented, trying to get a rise from Kei. Kei waved it off. "She has no sense of humor. Besides, it's not like her stories weren't having the same effect!" A Faculty member entered the hallway then, ending their conversation. It looked at a sheet held in its hands and began reading off names. Kei's was the third to be called. She walked confidently past the Faculty member, but stopped in the hallway by the lift to wait for her cousin. Xu's name was the last to be called. The two women rode the lift to the Headmaster's office on the third floor. They stood in a line before the Headmaster. He shook their hand after giving them their diploma. He then leaned over and whisper something in their ear. Xu was at the end of the receiving line. He smiled broadly at her as he handed her the diploma. Leaning over to her ear he whispered, "Enjoy yourself tonight because I need to speak with you first thing in the morning." "Of course," she murmured. He returned to his desk to address them. "Congratulations, all of you. Balamb Garden takes great pride in your accomplishments today. As you may have expected, a ball in your honor is being held tonight. It begins at 1900 and ends when people stop dancing," his eyes creased closed as he smiled. "You've an hour to eat dinner and get dressed. You'll find your new uniforms in your rooms. Tomorrow we will discuss your assignments and postings. Tonight, focus on celebrating a hard-earned achievement. Dismissed." Xu promised to meet up with Kei at the ball as they parted ways on the ground floor. She was anxious to get to her room and see what *her* SeeD uniform looked like on her. No more silly yellow bow and no more skirt that seemed to be indecently short. Quistis wasn't there when Xu came in. The girl was probably off eating dinner with Sean. She took a quick shower then changed into the black uniform. It fit her like a glove. She looked as good as she imagined she would, she thought with no false modesty. She could have passed on the knee socks, but at least the skirt was only a hand-span above her knees now. Xu rushed to the Cafeteria for a quick bite before going to the ball. Everyone who saw her in her new uniform offered their congratulations. It was odd that Sean and Quistis weren't here. Perhaps he took her to Balamb for the day? She would have to track down one of his friends and ask later. She didn't have the time to do so now if she was going to meet up with Kei. ***** After graduating the cadets Cid went to the Infirmary to check on Quistis. Kadowaki stood up from her seat behind her desk as soon as he came through the door. "How is she?" "Still sedated." Kadowaki led him to the small recovery room. The Faculty that had refused to leave even after the Doctor returned shuffled aside for the Headmaster. The girl was stretched out on a bed sleeping. She looked gaunt, her hair a mess, and still wore clothes splattered with monster blood. "Isn't there something that can be done to clean her up? At least get her out of those clothes," he gestured to the form before him. "I apologize. I didn't realize my assistant hadn't taken care of her," Kadowaki frowned. She'd have a word with him when he came in tomorrow. He was one of the Balamb locals that were employed by the Garden. They didn't always understand how important certain traditions were here -- such as the amount of time dedicated towards preparing the dead for burial. He should have cleaned up Quistis while she was performing her duty. Cid didn't say anything, trusting that the Doctor would handle the matter. "How much longer before she comes around?" He brushed a strand of hair off of her face. The tail she'd been wearing it in had come loose, leaving locks of hair to go every which way. "Sometime within the next few hours. I don't want to sedate her again unless she starts convulsing. I'm planning on spending the night here. Would you pass my regards on to the graduates for me?" "I will," he agreed. Once they left the room, the Faculty moved back into position blocking the door. Cid stopped to speak with it. "It's good of you to guard Miss Trepe as you are." "Faculty watches Miss Quistis Trepe because Faculty cares," it answered. Those unacquainted with the Shumi would have been amazed at such a bold statement. Cid knew that they had very independent personalities and emotions, despite the masks they presented to the world. "Thank you," he patted it on the shoulder before turning back to Kadowaki. "I've got the ball to attend. I'll return after it's over." ***** Laughter proceeded Xu as she met up with her cousin. Kei was dressed in the male SeeD uniform, filling it out nicely. Xu almost mistook her for a man as she walked up. Kei smiled broadly as she gave Xu an appraising look. "Not bad. Not bad at all," Kei complimented. "You're not looking bad yourself. Did the Headmaster finally cave in and issue you a male uniform without any fuss?" "Almost, both versions were on my bed when I went to change. I guess he was hoping that I'd indulge him for a night," Kei laughed. Cadets weren't invited to the ball, so her chances of seeing Sean or Quistis until the morning were slim. Kei, being ever the gentleman, had apparently appointed herself as Xu's escort for the evening in lieu of Sean. Kei offered her arm to her cousin as they walked into the auditorium the ball was being held in. Xu grinned as she slipped into the familiar role from their childhood of her playing the female escort to Kei's male. Music filled the room with many SeeDs and guests in attendance already. This was one event in which Xu didn't know what to expect. None of the SeeDs described it except to say that it was a ball. She was used to seeing the auditorium filled with cadets standing in long rows during assemblies. She couldn't have imagined that it would look *this* fantastic. They met two other graduates and marveled at how amazing this all was. SeeDs came by and welcomed them to the organization or offered bits of friendly advice. Then the Headmaster joined them. It took conscientious effort to stop herself from reflexively saluting him. Doing so at a social gathering such as this would be uncalled for. He again complimented them on their accomplishments today, then asked why they weren't dancing. A playful grin crossed Kei's face as she bowed ever so politely to the giggling Xu. "Would you dance with me, my lady?" She pitched her voice low, causing Xu to laugh harder. "How could I not accept such a gracious offer?" Xu quipped to the amusement of those around them. Neither of them were exceptional dancers, but they enjoyed themselves. Cid watched them with a small, sad smile on his face. ***** Quistis woke up slowly, feeling *very* groggy as she did so. It took her a minute to remember what had happened, then she wished she hadn't. The desire to retch seized her as her mind played back the awful scene. A Faculty member was instantly at her side, trying to comfort her the best it could. "Sean," the tears began to well up around her eyes. She didn't try to hold them back, instead encouraging them to flow freely. There was no telling how long she sat there and cried before she finally realized that she was in the Infirmary. Through the window she could see that it was dark outside. The wall chronometer indicated that midnight was still a couple hours off. "I want to see Xu," she pled. More than anything else in the world right now she wanted a hug from her roommate. The Faculty shook its robes. "Miss Quistis Trepe is to stay in the Infirmary until Doctor Kadowaki says otherwise." "Please?" "SeeD Xu is at the graduation ball. Miss Quistis Trepe can see SeeD Xu in the morning," it said with a note of apology in its tone. The fact that it referred to Xu as a SeeD was lost on the girl in her desperation to see her roommate. "Where is Doctor Kadowaki?" She asked. If the Faculty wouldn't let her go, move further up the chain of command. "Doctor Kadowaki is attending to another matter," it answered. "Miss Quistis Trepe should go back to sleep. Long days are coming soon." "I- I just want to see Xu," she began crying again. It was a childish reaction. But the need to be comforted by someone she trusted and loved was more immediate than checking immature emotions. The Faculty was obviously distressed by this. Doctor Kadowaki had left it in charge of taking care of the girl. Wouldn't part of taking care of her be to give her what she needs the most? "Faculty must leave briefly. Miss Quistis Trepe must remain here while Faculty is gone," it said. It hoped the girl would read between the lines and take the opportunity to find her friend while it was gone. As long as she returned when it came to get her, things should be okay. It left the room to go relieve itself, a need that it had been neglecting for hours. ***** Xu was tired. She didn't have the stamina that some of the social butterflies in her class did. Bidding her 'escort' a good night, she walked slowly back to the Dormitory block. At this hour, no one was around except the Faculty that kept the students from sneaking around. Suddenly, she heard someone order for someone else to halt. She spun around on her heel to see if the command was directed at her. What she received instead was a surprise. "Xu!" Quistis flung herself at her roommate and hugged her around the waist. This was more of a greeting than she would have ever expected from the normally reserved girl. "It's all right," Xu held a hand up, "she's with me." The Faculty member shook its robes in a way that indicated disagreement. "Miss Quistis Trepe has been confined to the Infirmary and must be returned there immediately." "Really?" Xu held Quistis away from her slightly to check her over for any injuries. Quistis was sporting a few bandages and had dark circles under her eyes, but nothing that looked serious enough to keep her in the Infirmary overnight. "Very well, I'll escort her there," Xu led her friend towards the Infirmary and away from the Faculty member. Quistis clung tightly to her hand, as though she was afraid someone would separate them. She didn't protest returning to the Infirmary just so long as Xu came with her. Another Faculty member shook its robes with displeasure when they arrived. "Miss Quistis Trepe left while Faculty used the facilities," it scolded the girl, but not too harshly. Something was amiss here... The Faculty shooed them both into one of the recovery rooms. The bed was disheveled. This was likely the place Quistis had been confined to, but why confined in the first place? She tried to ask the girl, but she wouldn't answer -- instead hugging even tighter. "What's going on here?" She asked the Faculty, who had taken up a guard position at the door. It turned to face her before it answered. "Faculty cannot say," it turned around again. Making herself comfortable on the bed with Quistis across her lap, she waited for something to happen. Quistis was sleeping when Xu heard some voices from the outer room of the Infirmary. One of them was the unmistakable timbre of the Headmaster. The other was Doctor Kadowaki if she hadn't missed her guess. "What's this I hear about Quistis finding Xu?" Cid demanded of the Faculty at the door. It shook its robes and stepped aside to let him pass. "Faculty had to use facility," it defended. The Headmaster waved the excuse aside as he entered the room. Xu remained seated, unwilling to disturb the sleeping Quistis by standing to salute. Cid gave a heavy sigh and pulled a stool over to the bedside. "Will you please tell me what's going on?" Xu asked as politely as she could, trying to hide the exasperation that she was feeling. He ducked his head before meeting her eyes. "There was an accident this afternoon. We're still trying to piece it all together. What we know so far is that Sean and Quistis went to the Training Center and encountered a T-Rexaur. The monster killed Sean. All attempts to revive him failed." Xu gasped, feeling as though someone had just struck her in the stomach. Sean was dead? That wasn't possible! He was alive yesterday playing Triple Triad with her. A knot of emotions grew in her throat. She tried to swallow them down, but they wouldn't go. The tears that formed wouldn't be willed away either. They coursed down her cheeks, traced along her chin, and then fell onto her uniform. She looked down at Quistis for several minutes, stroking her hair reassuringly as she slept. No wonder the girl was so out of sorts. Xu glance back up at the Headmaster and saw that he'd removed his glasses to wipe away tears of his own. "It's worse because young Quistis witnessed the deathblow. I would never wish that upon my worst enemy," Cid's voice cracked as he brushed away more tears. Xu instantly tightened her grip on the girl. If she could have pulled Quistis in any closer she would have. How could they ever ask her to return to the Training Center after witnessing her mentor die there? "I- I don't know what to say," Xu managed to get out between the deep breaths she drew in. "To be honest, my dear, I don't either." And so they said nothing, both crying from their grief. Xu's mind kept replaying the last few days, like it would somehow be a substitute for the man that was gone. He'd never kiss her again... She closed her eyes tightly; realizing that's what she wanted all along, but always denied. Why did he have to die before she understood herself? Doctor Kadowaki entered the room with warm cups of broth. She'd been crying as well, for there were dark, puffy bags under her eyes. They didn't wake Quistis, allowing her to get some solid rest without the assistance of drugs or spells. "I've finished making the preparations," the Doctor said before taking a sip of her broth. "The memorial service will be held the day after tomorrow," she looked up at the chronometer on the wall. "Make that tomorrow. Galbadia Garden is taking care of arrangements on their end regarding final burial." "Thank you for your efforts, Doctor," Cid said with a voice that was drained of its usual passion. "I contacted his family this afternoon. They requested a burial in Deling City." Xu nodded her understanding regarding the arrangements that were being discussed. It crushed her to be thinking of such things. The Headmaster gave her a sympathetic look. "The upcoming days will be difficult for you, Xu. I apologize for asking so much of you so soon after graduation." "Whatever is needed of me, Headmaster. I'm at your service," she whispered, not entirely sure where she would draw the strength to carry out such a lofty promise, but knowing she would somehow. "We have much to discuss, but I do believe that Quistis has the right idea. Let's meet in my office at 0900. I'll make the announcement to the student body then," he stood up with a sigh. "Stay here tonight. I doubt you could pry Quistis off of you if you tried." "Yes, Headmaster. Good night," Xu continued stroking Quistis' hair. Somehow, she didn't think she'd be sleeping much tonight. Doctor Kadowaki offered to give her something to help her rest, but she declined. She *wanted* to think, never mind how much it might hurt. A purging of her soul would do some good. When was the last time someone close to her died..? That's right, her grandmother. The one who supported her decision to leave the clan and go explore the world. She sat alone in a room for two days after her death in meditation. Xu regretted that she didn't have the same amount of time to spend asking the Spirits to guide Sean back to the Path. Xu spoke softly in a language that was rarely heard away from her homeland. It was a mantra to help clear and focus ones thoughts. Her thoughts snapped onto Sean, or more exactly, the essence of his being. She would honor him by drawing out the best of his life and offering that to the Spirits. She remembered when he learned about her clan... >'I've always wanted to ask you, what's your family name?'< His voice whispered in her mind as she recalled the conversation. 'My name is Xu, just Xu...' >'Where are from, just Xu?'< 'No where of importance...' His essence's color fluctuated. >'You are from the Centra continent. The transport you ride when you return home goes south.'< 'There's nothing to the south...' >'There's you.'< 'What does it matter..?' >'It matters to me. I want to know you, *all* of you.'< The essence colored again, vibrant with renewed purpose. 'What do you know..?' >'I met those of your clan -- the Anshin clan -- last time I visited Deling City. They asked me how the wayward children were? I couldn't answer since I didn't *know* you.'< She cheeks grew flush as she remembered. He was so adamant that the ill opinion most held for her clan was not reflected upon her. And even if it was, it didn't matter. *Xu* was the person who mattered to him, relations be damned. She tucked this memory away in a pocket of her heart where the Spirits could find it. When they came to guide his essence, they would see this precious moment and be gladdened by it. Xu didn't acknowledge the world around her until she felt something shaking her gently. She quickly stored the memory she was working with away, then brought herself out of her meditations. Quistis had a concerned look on her face as she continued to tug on her arm. "What is it, Quistis?" She whispered softly. "You were just sitting there and not moving. I was afraid-" Xu quickly hugged her. "I'm fine. I was asking the Spirits to guide Sean to the Path of Life," she stood up, hoping that her uniform wasn't too wrinkled. She should stop by her room and change before eating. "'...Path of Life..?'" Xu shook her head, indicating that it wasn't something she wished to discuss. Such remembrances were a private matter since each person's memories of another varied. Hands linked together, they walked back to their dorm room to prepare for the day. "You won't be going to classes today, but please wear a uniform," Xu said to Quistis. "Are you hungry?" Quistis shook her head in the negative. They could skip breakfast for now, but they would have a solid lunch for certain. The hour the Headmaster had appointed for their meeting was drawing near. They both went up to his office. Cid seemed relieved when he saw that Quistis was accompanying her. "I hope you don't disapprove," Xu said while motioning to Quistis. He shook his head. "No, she needs to be here as much as you. I didn't think that she'd be up and about this soon," he smiled at Quistis encouragingly. He gestured for them to sit down before he began. "I must admit that I anticipated your graduation, Xu, and already had a posting lined up. You're going to Galbadia Garden to join their two-year Instructor training program. Once you've completed that, I want you back *here* helping me teach this unruly bunch," he winked at Quistis, causing her to giggle. "It's sad coincidence that the Garden that will bury Sean is also Galbadia. Balamb will be sending an Honor Guard to escort the remains and witness the funeral. You will be part of that Guard, along with Kei and two others. After that is done report to Martine, the Headmaster of Galbadia, for training," he sighed softly. "I planned on giving you a couple weeks to go visit your family. But since you'll already be at Galbadia Garden, I can't justify giving you leave then." "It's all right, Headmaster," she said. Visiting her family right now wouldn't be for the best. They would pester her about the man she lost and tell her that it was her punishment for killing monsters. Such condemnations would be unbearable. "As for you, Quistis," he turned his attention to the girl. "You will begin meeting with Doctor Kadowaki twice a week. You are likely having many thoughts and feelings that need to be sorted out. She will help you do that. "The same goes for you, Xu. The Galbadia Doctor will contact you once you have reported for duty," Xu nodded, accepting her fate even if she didn't want to go. They couldn't understand how she mourned for the dead... Quistis began crying softly at all the talk of Sean's final arrangements. Xu pulled her over to hug her reassuringly. The Headmaster mumbled to himself as he shuffled through the papers on his desk. Finding the one he wanted, he picked up the microphone for the PA system. His voice was somber as he spoke slowly. After he read the announcement he prepared, he added a few words from the heart. There would be no classes held tomorrow, and all students were invited to attend the memorial. Xu began to cry herself. She could only be strong for so long and having the reality of the situation confirmed again broke her. Every student would be at the memorial, she knew. Those at the Garden were very respectful of the dead and in how they honored them. The Headmaster put down the microphone and sighed again. "I need to make myself available to the students now. You're welcome to stay here for as long as you wish. If you don't want to speak with anyone when you leave, call for the Faculty to escort you." He walked around his desk and gave each of them a comforting squeeze on the shoulder. The student body was reeling. It would have been easier to accept if one of the graduating candidates had died during the field exam, but not a cadet at the Training Center. Many of Sean's closest friends went looking for Xu to no avail. They taped notes to her door offering their sympathies and a shoulder to lean on. When Quistis and Xu returned later that evening the door was blanketed solid with notes. ***** Xu made sure she and Quistis were immaculately dressed in their best uniforms for the memorial service. She also insisted that they both wear their utility belt complete with spells and knives. Quistis stroked her belt, thinking of when Sean had given it to her. It made her miss him even more. Xu held her hand as they entered the auditorium that was the location of the graduation ball a two short days ago. Long lines of chairs had been set out. People parted before them as they walked towards the front of the room. Xu shuffled her down a row, then sat down on a chair near the end with Quistis next to her. The room quickly filled with cadets and SeeDs. Faculty members lined the walls as a sort of Honor Guard. Sean's casket was at the head of the room. It all seemed so surreal to Quistis. Like Sean was going to pop out of the casket at any minute and laugh at them all. But that's impossible. She, more than any of them, knew what happened. She took hold of Xu's hand and squeezed it tightly as she tried to shove away that memory. Xu returned the squeeze, but kept her eyes locked forward. There was an oddly detached expression on her face. The Headmaster led the memorial, speaking at length about the future SeeD and friend that they lost. Quistis knew that she wasn't the only one crying as the Headmaster spoke with heart-wrenching sincerity. Other students and SeeDs took the podium and spoke, including Xu. Her speech was perhaps the hardest to listen to. Quistis bowed her head and closed her eyes, just listening to the words as the emotions washed over her. Xu returned to her seat and put an arm around her. A few more people spoke before the Headmaster came up again. He made some final remarks, then dismissed them. The Faculty turned and left as everyone stood. The rows began to file out, but not everyone was leaving -- some maintained their position as their classmates moved past. Quistis gave Xu a questioning look. "It's not over," she whispered. When their row filed out, they didn't leave their position. The broad double doors at the back of the room swung shut and those left standing all resumed their seats. A tall cadet with broad shoulders walked up to the podium. He'd spoken during the memorial. What was his name..? Eugene. He looked over those who remained and then spoke without the assistance of the microphone. "I thank you for remaining. Many of you are here because we have a common calling in life: to protect those under our charge. Sean believed in this very much. He wanted to be a SeeD so that he could live out this dream. "And so, I propose a pact. Let us bind ourselves as family as we strive to fulfill this goal. Let us reaffirm our commitment to our cause after losing our brother." He walked behind the casket where everyone could still see him. Slowly, he drew out his belt knife. "This day I swear that I will strive with all my heart and soul towards becoming a SeeD. I will help my brothers and sisters accomplish this goal to the best of my abilities. I will conduct myself with honor and dignity. As a SeeD I will protect my Garden and my cause. Should I not become a SeeD I will carry these traits with me throughout life." He glanced around the silent crowd again, then drew the knife across the palm of his hand. Quistis gasped as he let a few drops of his blood fall on the casket before pulling out a Cure spell and healing his hand. He wiped off the blade carefully with a white cloth. "Will anyone join me?" He asked simply, stepping aside, inviting someone else to take his position by the casket. A person from the back of the room stood and walked forward. "Xu?" She whispered. She wasn't sure what was going on here. Did they expect her to cut herself and take this oath? She leaned over to speak quietly as the next person walked slowly up the aisle. "When a cadet is killed it's traditional for their closest friend to propose a pact between that cadet's other friends -- regardless if they knew them already or not. It builds bonds that may not have formed otherwise and gives focus towards a goal. You don't have to join the pact if you don't want to, but you should at least witness it." They sat quietly as one person after another came forward and joined the pact. There seemed to be some order in how they were presenting themselves, from the back of the room forward. That would make them among the last to decide. Not everyone was coming forward. When someone was passing up the pact, they would stand up and bow deeply before sitting again. Quistis would have never figured on such a ceremonious thing occurring at the Garden. There was no mention of it in the Regulations Handbook. Did the Headmaster know this was going on? The highest-ranking people in the room were some SeeDs who seemed intent on witnessing the event instead of preventing it. She wondered if Xu would join? Over a dozen people had gone up when it came to be their turn. Xu stood up, but did not move. She bowed deeply to the casket before them, holding it for several long moments before standing upright. A tear slipped down her cheek as she sat down. All eyes were on Quistis now. She tried to swallow down the growing lump in her throat. What to do? Could she ever step into the Training Center again and not think of his death? She couldn't-- She couldn't give up. It would be hard, but giving up wasn't an option. Matron sent her here to succeed and many people believed in her. Xu supported her, though she would be leaving soon. The Headmaster was sympathetic. She could count on him to help. Doctor Kadowaki would be there for her. And *them*... The nearly two dozen classmates and SeeDs who were here now. This was a promise to help each other. Quistis stood up and scooted by Xu. She tried to prevent her hands from shaking as she stepped up onto the platform. Standing behind the casket, she looked down at the small pool of blood that was formed there. She pulled out her knife and looked between it and her hand. The weapon was sharp and the idea of turning it on herself wasn't appealing. "I can't go back on my mission," she whispered softly as she hesitantly pulled the knife against her palm. The honed weapon parted the flesh and blood welled up. A few drops fell to join the others. She pulled a Cure spell from her pouch as quickly as she could and cast it on herself. The pain receded, but not the tears that slipped down her cheeks. Eugene cleaned her knife with an unused corner of the white cloth he'd used on everyone else's blades before handing it back to her. She sheathed the weapon and hurried back to her seat. Xu said nothing as Quistis resumed her seat and another person replaced her up on the platform. Once the last person had gone up, Eugene carefully folded the white cloth and placed it in a small wooden box. With the box under his arm, he left the room. Others followed him out. Apparently the ceremony was over now. They were among the last to leave the room. Xu took up her hand to see if there was a mark. Inexperience had prevented her from curing it completely. Xu traced the thin scar across her palm. "Did you want me to Cure you?" She asked softly. Quistis shook her head. "It'll heal on its own," she answered. That was a lie. The scar would never heal completely because the first Cure hadn't been strong enough. Xu could probably push it along a bit further, but she would have a scar across her palm for years if not permanently. As they left the room, a male SeeD joined them at Xu's side and said something in a language Quistis didn't understand. They embraced firmly, offering each other comfort before parting. The SeeD gave Quistis an appraising look, then bowed politely before dismissing himself. "Xu, may I ask you some questions?" "Always," the other replied, directing them towards an alcove with a bench. "Why didn't you join the pact?" It was a rather personal question, she realized, but she was truly curious. Of all the people there, she would have figured Xu on joining. "Every person has their own way of remembering those who have passed on. We each saw two different aspects of the same man. I agree with the pact entirely, but that is not how I will remember him. "I'm encouraged to see you make a commitment towards finishing your SeeD training. It's very brave of you to continue on after this tragedy," Xu smiled softly. "What did Eugene do with that cloth? It seemed to be important for some reason and I don't understand why," she refrained from mentioning how much of this ceremony left her feeling confused. "It is important. He's undoubtedly given it to the Headmaster by now," Xu reflected. "It's sort of like a reminder of today and a memorial to Sean. The Headmaster stores the boxes for the students in a safe place. He never opens them. He leaves this entirely in our hands." Quistis frowned slightly. "Every time I think I finally have this place figured out, something new happens." Xu chuckled lightly. "It keeps things interesting. Come on, we should eat dinner before the Cafeteria closes. Sean would be disappointed if we started to skip meals on his account." She giggled hesitantly, for that was very true. Sean would be upset if he knew that they were missing meals. At dinner they discussed upcoming events. Xu would depart tomorrow with the Honor Guard. Quistis was going to miss her roommate. Hopefully her new one would be as amiable as Xu. ----- Please visit our website at