[Cue the SD FFVIII fic characters dancing across the screen!] All: ^-^ "omake Omake OMAKE! WAAAIIIIII!!" [Suddenly they all freak out and run away. Moments later, a crazed, giant mechanical spider chases after them!] Chibi-Chaos: [at the helm] "How do you drive this X-ATM...whatever the hell this thing's name is?!" Chibi-Quistis: [drawing a spell bead] "THUNDARA!!" Chibi-Xu: "Isn't metal a great conductor for electricity?" *ZAP!!!* Chibi-Chaos: --;; [smoky li'l author] "OW." Chibi-Quistis: ^^; "Oops." Chibi-Chaos: "Yeah...oops." Sowing the SeeDs: OMAKE THEATRE 8 [Cue a platoon of Chibis milling around Balamb Garden's Quad. The camera swings around to focus in on Chibi-Xu.] Chibi-Xu: "Like a weed that won't die, let me welcome you to yet *another* Omake Theatre." Chibi-Sean: o.O "That's rather pessimistic of you, Xu-chan. What's up?" [Chibi-Xu shoots a pointed glare towards the three authors, who have made themselves at home in the Garden.] Chibi-Xu: --; "*They're* here!" Chibi-Sean: [consoling hug] "Awww.. What mischief can they cause in an Omake?" Chibi-Chaos: "Say, anyone want to hear my newest song for the FFVIII character album?" Everyone: "No." Chibi-Chaos: ^^v "Too bad! I'm an author. Somebody cue the Eiffel 65 music!" [A frighteningly addictive techno beat starts up, complete with keyboard piano intro!] Chibi-Chaos: [with mic] "Okay, here's my first smash single, Xu (Da Ba Dee)!!" Chibi-Xu: [NASTY eyebrow twitch] "He's not serious, is he?" Chibi-Beans: "Sadly, he is." Chibi-Chaos: [singing] Now listen up, here's a fanfic About a little girl who lives in a Xu world And all day and all night Everything she sees is Xu like her Inside and outside Xu's Anshin With a Xu Balamb Garden And a Xu.... [The music comes to a screeching halt.] Chibi-Chaos: [pausing] "Okay, I'm still working on that part." [Cue the facevaults!] Chibi-Sean: [loading his pistol] "Well, Chaos was right. This song'll be a smash--though that will happen to *him* once the lynch mob arrives. Laguna, would you care to do the honours?" [A large temporal rift suddenly opens up with a dazzling CG cinema. Everyone choruses "ooooh!" as Chibi-Laguna makes his dramatic appearance and steps out from the portal. Chibi-Leguna then gives Chaos an evil grin.] Chibi-Laguna: >) "My pleasure. Presenting my Limit Break: DESPERADO!!" [Frantically, Chibi-Chaos makes a mad dash across the Omake as Chibi-Laguna launches a full machine-gun assault and then lobs a few hand grenades at the SD author for good measure.] Chaos: @.@ "Who gave that chibi a gun?" Chibi-Xu: [glowering] "Maybe we should get Greenbeans too." Chibi-Beans: o.O; [panicky li'l bean] "Me?! Why?" Chibi-Xu: [pointing at Chaos] "You let him work on the fic. It's your fault." Chibi-Beans: [shuffling her feet] "Quistis-chan would defend me." Chibi-Quandry: "Beans, she's a SeeD. You can't afford her services..." Chibi-Beans: >) "I have enough money for a one night stand!" Chibi-Quistis: [blush!] Chibi-Quandry: o.O;; "ACK!!!!" [Cue the facevaults!] Chibi-Beans: ^^v "I'm waiting to be pounded for that comment." Chibi-Xu: --;; "Your innuendos are as subtle as a T-Rexaur in a china shop." Chibi-Quandry: ;D "Somebody get Sean out the back door, then." Chibi-Xu: [turning to Sean] "You say NOTHING about this, okay?" Chibi-Sean: ^-^v "Hey, I can afford you for a one night stand anytime, Xu." [Chibi-Sean is unceremoniously throttled by Chibi-Xu!] Chibi-Quistis: [still blushing] "I'm feeling a little self-conscious with all this attention." Chibi-Beans: [pat pat!] "That's okay, Quistis-chan. I'm sure after tonight with me, you'll get used to it." Chibi-Quistis: "What are we doing tonight?" [Chibi-Beans abruptly feigns innocence as she tries to hide a copy of the Kama Xutra behind her back.] Chibi-Chaos: ^-^ "And just remember!" Chibi-Laguna: "What? You're still alive?" Chibi-Chaos: --;; "No thanks to you, Mister 'I've watched too many Chun Yow-Fat movies.' Now as I was saying, remember that your self-gratuitous moments with FFVIII characters are akin to Guardian Forces. You spend too much time with Quistis, and Xu'll get jealous." Chibi-Beans: o.O;; Chibi-Xu: [sharpening her sai] "I'm gonna plant you 6 feet under." Chibi-Chaos: "But then how are you going to water her?" Chibi-Xu: "I wasn't talking about a tree, you moron!" Chibi-Quandry: o.O! "Yo, yo, might I suggest we start running?" Chibi-Authors: [making tracks!] "Aiiiyyaaaa!!" Chibi-Chaos: [lagging behind] "So what did Xu mean?" [As the authors heroically run down the halls and bowling over hapless cadets as they scream for help, the SeeDs casually watch the spectacle.] Chibi-Sean: "That was rather harsh, Xu, don't you think?" Chibi-Xu: >) "Not as harsh as the swarm of Glacial Eyes that are waiting outside the gate." Chibi-Quistis: "You don't like them, do you?" Chibi-Xu: "I don't have to answer that." Chibi-Enju: "She's just jealous of you Quistis, that's all. You get more cinemas in the game than her." Chibi-Xu: [GLARE!] "What was that?" Chibi-Enju: ^-^;;;;; "Er, nothing! Gee... Xu with a grudge, and I thought Kei was bad!" Chibi-Kei: "The quiet ones are more dangerous." Chibi-Enju: "Hello? Semi-flamboyant killer assassin here?" [Chibi-Kei abruptly punts Chibi-Enju up into a light fixture!] Chibi-Kei: "You were saying?" Chibi-Enju: "And you call yourself aligned with justice?!" Chibi-Sean: "So the authors are gone, Xu's got a psychosis, and Enju and Kei are fighting yet again. Say, Quistis, want to get some hot dogs." Chibi-Quistis: "I'd rather not. Rumour has it that hot dogs are made from Grat." Chibi-Sean: >.< "Ewwwwww...." [End!]